Education Relationship with the Community in a Sociological Per Spective

This study aims to describe: the relationship between education and society, the notion of education, the notion of society, and the sociology of education. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive method. The information obtained came from one of the teachers who taught at the research site and the surrounding community. The results of this study are the development of education, community participation in education, and the supporting and inhibiting factors in the relationship between education and the community, namely the development of education in the research area is quite good, the community participates in activities carried out by the school, for example when holding competitions, supporting factors that is, there is a systematic program and planning, the condition of the school organization is quite good and the inhibiting factor is the lack of public understanding of the importance of having a relationship between parents and school, the road to school is quite far. Efforts to overcome these obstacles are to provide information as clearly as possible to parents about what is on the agenda in meetings or meetings between parents and the school.