English Education Students’ Satisfaction with the Use of Google Meeting and Zoom: Study of Listening Ability

Background: The Covid 19 pandemic has disrupted many systems, from health, business, and education to severely restricted religious services. The current solution is to do online learning or online learning from home.

Purpose: This research aims to explore data related to student satisfaction with listening learning media facilities using the Zoom and Google Meet applications used during study-from-home activities.

Method: The descriptive quantitative method is used to capture student satisfaction. The population of this study was English undergraduate students in semesters 3, 5, and 7 of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Data was obtained from a questionnaire. There were 30 responses to a survey distributed through the Google Forms application regarding student satisfaction with listening via Zoom and Google Meet learning media

Results: The research study results show that most students are satisfied with distance learning via Zoom and google meet, 70% of respondents are satisfied, and 30% are unsatisfied. the majority of students prefer the listening learning model in class compared to listening learning using Zoom and google meet, with a percentage of 73.3%.

Conclusion: Distance learning via Zoom and Google Meet is effective and positively impacts lecturer and student communication. Besides that, it encourages them to participate more in listening classes. Urgent distance learning via Zoom and google meet makes English listening courses more engaging. Distance learning via Zoom and Google Meet helps them feel more confident when communicating with classmates and lecturers.