Implementation of Pertamina Dppu Adisucipto’s Social Innovation in Community Development Efforts in Sustainable Agriculture and Fisheries

Companies have a responsibility to have a positive impact on their social environment as a dispensation for production activities carried out in their surroundings. There are various activities initiated and modified in such a way with new approaches and assistance to enable communities to increase their capabilities in agriculture and fisheries. This paper describes the social innovations carried out by Pertamina Adisucipto in the surrounding community as an implementation of its social responsibility. This study uses a qualitative approach. This research is located in Sambilegi Kidul Padukuhan, Maguwoharjo, Depok, Sleman, Yogyakarta. In this study, the type of data used was Primary Data, namely data obtained directly from the assisted residents at Sambilegi Kidul Padukuhan in the Mina Horti Dangau location by means of interviews and observations on the assisted residents of the Adisutjipto CSR DPPU. The results of this study state that in a series of corporate social responsibility activities at the Adisucipto DPPU on the community around the company in agriculture and fisheries, it shows a significant impact. This Dulang Limbuk innovation does not require a lot of assets but only emphasizes human resources. Although it does not require a lot of assets, this innovation can have a real impact on fish farmers and women farming groups. First, the Dulang Limbuk innovation is able to reduce the cost of purchasing planting media for KWT Arimbi and the surrounding community. Second, for Dulang Limbuk fish farmers it can reduce fish mortality from 15% to 5%. Third, preserving the biota of the river waters around Dangau Minahorti.