Managerial Competence of Madrasah Principals in the Development of Educators and Education Personnel in Madiun, Indonesia

Principals of Madrasah Diniyah who should have good managerial competence to empower all school resources including educators and educational staff to achieve school goals that have been set, but there are still some who are classified as weak in their managerial competence, so they are unable to carry out the organization properly. This study aims to determine the planning of madrasah principals, forms of activity, and the implications of managerial competence of madrasah principals in the development of educators and education staff. This study uses qualitative research methods to gain an understanding of empirical facts through an inductive thinking process. Data collection techniques through interviews, observation, and documentation.

The results of the study show that: first, related to managerial competence in the development of educators and education staff, the head of Madrasah Diniyah Al Amiriyah has planned the needs of educators and education staff, procurement/recruitment, placement and assignment, performance appraisal, compensation, and termination of employment. Second, the activities of the madrasa head in developing educators and educational staff include class supervision, deliberation forums, coaching/guidance by caregivers, training/workshops, comparative studies, and further studies. And the three implications of the managerial competence of madrasa heads in the development of educators and education staff are increasing the competence of educators and education staff, increasing student achievement, and increasing the quality of madrasas.