Madrasah Aliyah Management Plus Skills in Creating Student Job Readiness (Multi Site Study at MAN 1 Magetan, MAN Blitar City and MA Alma’arif Udanawu Blitar)

This study aims to describe in depth related to: 1) Socialization of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness, 2) Implementation of the Madrasah Aliyah Program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness, 3) Success of the Madrasah Aliyah program plus Skills in creating Student work readiness 4) Program Evaluation Plus Skills in creating Student Work Readiness. The research methodology uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques are participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is l) data condensation, 2) data presentation, 3) conclusion/verification. Checking the validity of the data is based on several criteria including: degree of trust (creadibility), transferability (transferability), dependability (dependability), and certainty (confirmability). The results of this research show that; 1) A program will be understood and implemented by all parties, when the media, materials and socialization objects to be conveyed are appropriate and relevant. And all parties in these institutions or agencies must always innovate in providing socialization. Innovation programs are needed because the dynamics of socialization media are very dynamic and directly proportional to the environment in which society is located. 2) To increase students’ work readiness, Madrasahs provide students with the freedom to carry out internships and street vendors in the business world and industrial world and in addition to increasing the ability of teachers to either bring in mentors from outside the madrasah or send skilled teachers to attend training and workshops in relevant agencies. Equally important is the synchronization and alignment of the skills curriculum with the world of business and industry. 3) The success of the plus skills program in Madrasas aims to equip students who do not continue their studies to be independent/or entrepreneurship, Madrasas must have a strong networking team to build networks in an effort to improve the quality of Madrasas as well as diversification of Industrial cooperation with the televaned Business World and Industrial World with skills programs implemented in Madrasahs. 4) In terms of evaluation of the program that is launched, there are 2 basic things that can be implemented by Madrasahs both internally and externally. Internally, it can be seen from the mastery of student skills through competency tests that work well with BLK and DU/DI who have collaborated, while for externally it can be seen how many students are accepted to work in DU/DI who have collaborated or other agencies or who work independently in accordance with skills that students choose when studying.