Funding Management to Improve Human Resource Empowerment (Case Study at MI Ma’arif Panjeng Jenangan Ponorogo)

In order to realize optimal education in madrasa needs professional management. It can happen if supported by adequate funding sources because education without funding will not work. The provision of BOS funds by the government is a breakthrough program to help finance schools. However, in the implementation process, it experiences many obstacles. As experienced by MI Ma’arif Panjeng Jenangan Ponorogo, such as delays in distributing BOS funds. Of course, this can hinder the learning process. However, even so, MI still exists and takes part in the world of education. The increasing number of students each year is proof of the importance of good Human Resources financing management at MI Ma’arif Panjang. This issue cannot be overlooked. The aims of this study were (1) to find out the planning, (2) to find out the implementation, and (3) to find out the evaluation of education management financing in MI Ma’arif Panjeng. This study uses a type of qualitative research. Data collection used in this study were semi-structured interviews, observation and documentation. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model from Milles and Huberman to analyze the research data by collecting, condensation, drawing conclusions and presenting. The results of this study are (1) On the planning aspect, preparation of the budget plan begins with holding the institution’s annual work meeting, (2) On the implementation aspect of education financing includes two activities, namely receiving funds and disbursing funds, (3) On the evaluation aspect of education financing, it is accountable, namely following planning and can be accounted. There are two forms of evaluation, namely internal and external evaluation. The foundation carries out internal evaluations, which are monthly, annual, and committee evaluations. At the same time, the external evaluation is carried out by the government (BOS funds).