Parents-Children Communication: Islamic Approach

This study intends to review pertinent literature on embracing Islamic values which are significantly relevant in strengthening parents-children relationship in the modern world. The prominent Qur’anic verses on communication values among humankinds in general, parenting roles, parenting skills, child-to-parents mannerism and the rights of children to communicate in a family are covered broadly with the intention to provide a better insight and perspectives on the subject matter.  As parenting has never been easy back then and modern-days, this study also aims to give sufficient emphasis on the significance Islamic values have on the Muslim parents in communicating with family members – children in particular.  This study concluded that the six primary values of Islamic teaching in family communication: Qaulan Sadida, Qaulan Ma‟rufa, Qaulan Baligha, Qaulan Maysura, Qaulan Layyina, and Qaulan Karima would definitely produce a great communication mode, affectionate parents-children relationship, and ultimately develop an excellent youth personality in society. This is also a must-have-skill each Muslim parents acquire towards nurturing strong and beneficial family institution.