Human Resource Management in Improving the Quality of Education in MAN 2 Kediri City

This study aims to find and analyze related to planning, recruitment and selection, evaluation and training and development of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City. This research uses a qualitative approach and includes a type of field research in the form of a case study, and is classified as a descriptive research with the researcher as the main instrument. Data sources consist of person, place, and paper. Data collection techniques include participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use interactive models. Checking the validity of the data includes: 1. Credibility through extending participation, increasing persistence, and triangulation (sources, techniques, and time); 2. Transferability: the results of this research are written in a clear and complete manner so that readers can apply them in other locations; 3. Dependability: the results of this study are examined and approved by the supervising lecturer as an auditor; 4. Confirmability: data exposure is based on the results of research in the field. The results show that the planning of educators and education staff in improving the quality of education in MAN 2 Kediri City includes needs analysis, availability analysis, and vision determination. Recruitment and selection are carried out at a certain time when there is a vacancy through CPNS and Non-PNS with a contract system that uses two alternatives; firstly prioritizing existing applications, secondly through internal publications; the criteria for passing applicants refer to the provisions of the Law which are then developed in accordance with the needs of madrasas whose level of success can be seen from the number of educators and education staff who have succeeded in making achievements. Meanwhile, training and development are in the form of in-house training and out-house training by applying the principles of efficiency through a peer teaching system and supported by the efforts of madrasa heads who bring new perspectives towards human real-source management. The evaluation includes setting targets, setting standards, conducting assessments, and providing feedback on the results of the evaluation.