School Principal Leadership as a Vanguard for Educators and Educational Staff in Enhancing Work Motivation at SMA Assa’adah Gresik, Indonesia

Leadership is an aspirational, motivational, and creative moral force that can influence educators and education staff to change their attitudes, aligning them with the jointly established vision, mission, and objectives. The absence of leadership can result in disorder and ineffectiveness in achieving the shared vision, mission, and goals. This research aims to discover and analyze how school principals act as pioneers for the school community in enhancing motivation.

This research employs a qualitative descriptive research design. Data collection techniques include interviews, participant observations, and documentation. Data analysis utilizes single-case data analysis. Data validity techniques include credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability.

The findings of this research reveal that school principals lead by enhancing motivation in the school community through possessing a sharp, far-reaching, and transparent leadership vision, continually innovating and making improvements to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of work and being willing to take risks and responsibilities.