Student Management in Inclusive Education in Improving the Quality of Graduates (Multicase Study at SDN Betet 1 Kediri City and MI Unggulan Darussalam Gembongan Ponggok Blitar)

The aim of this research is to describe in depth 1) the process of accepting new students in improving the quality of graduates. 2) coaching and developing students in inclusive education in improving the quality of graduates. 3) supervision of students in inclusive education in improving the quality of graduates. This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods with absolute participation of the researcher. Data was taken from informants or primary data sources including: school principals, inclusion teachers, regular teachers, shadow teachers, student guardians and therapy officers as well as educational staff at both loci, as well as informants from the PLA (Autism Service Center). Accepting new students to improve the quality of graduates in inclusive education at these two educational institutions, all students who register will be accepted without selection. Next, a classification is held based on student competency and grouped into regular and inclusion classes. For those who are detected to have special needs, an assessment will be carried out by the therapist assigned to SDN Betet 1 Kediri. Meanwhile, MI Unggulan was handed over to PLA Blitar for further observation. Meanwhile, the guidance and development of students is carried out intensively, both co-curricular and extra-curricular, based on the students’ abilities and adhering to the 2013 curriculum. The evaluation carried out is adjusted to the stages set so that the graduation of students with special needs becomes a priority. Meanwhile, in carrying out supervision and evaluation in filtering the quality of graduates using various methods, including control and supervision by the Head of the Madrasah, from the intense coaching, this madrasah is also able to maintain itself as a superior madrasah in the city of Blitar and 100% of its graduates continue on to higher education, both state and private.