Exploring the Linguistic Expressions of Anger in Indonesian Proverbs: Uncovering the Underlying Cognitive Metaphorical Mappings

This study employs a combination of Cognitive Semantics Analysis (CSA) and Qualitative Methodology (QM) to thoroughly investigate the various expressions of anger depicted in Indonesian proverbs. The approach involves a detailed analysis of these proverbs’ linguistic structures and metaphoric nuances. The study aims to uncover the intricate interplay between cognitive conceptualizations of anger and the socio-cultural context they represent. By scrutinizing a diverse corpus of Indonesian proverbs, this study seeks to provide a comprehensive understanding of anger and its portrayal within Indonesian linguistic and cultural heritage. The findings show that (1) Indonesians use various metaphors to express anger in their proverbs, i.e. natural phenomena, physical sensations, and spatial orientations as the three most common domains used in these metaphors, (2) Indonesian proverbs about anger shed light on their socio-cultural norms of emotional restraint and communal harmony, and (3) cognitive concepts, linguistic expressions, and socio-cultural dynamics interweave to form a comprehensive portrayal of rage in Indonesian context. This study will offer valuable insights into the cognitive and cultural dynamics of anger as illustrated through Indonesian proverbs. To gain a comprehensive understanding of emotional discourse across diverse cultures, it would be beneficial to broaden the scope of study to include a broader range of emotions and linguistic expressions.