A Review of the Zambia Teacher Education Reform: Policy Challenges and Influence of Bilateral Agencies

Donor agencies have provided aid for the education system in Zambia by introducing innovations that seek to improve the provision of education. However, it has been observed that many innovations are discontinued after donor funding is withdrawn. A case in point is the Zambia Teacher Education Reform Programme (ZATERP) later renamed the Zambia Teacher Education Course (ZATEC). ZATERP/ZATEC were funded by the Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) between 1998 -2008.

In 2008 DANIDA withdrew support from ZATEC and the Ministry of Education through its Directorate of Teacher Education and Specialized Services (TESS) could not sustain the programme. The Ministry of Education failed to pay field allowances for students and lecturers including other logistical support for the programme. Consequently, some vital aspects of the programme were changed such as the school-based year which was discontinued. The old structure of teacher education was re-introduced where students were in college for two years and school experience was reduced to a single term.