The Change Management in Maintaining the Existence of Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang Islamic Boarding School, Tanjunganom, Nganjuk, Indonesia

This research focuses on the rapid development of Islamic boarding schools, exploring the case of Miftahul Mubtadiin Krempyang in Nganjuk. The school, over 82 years old with 5000+ students, faces challenges and changes in the current educational landscape. Employing a qualitative case study approach, the study investigates change management strategies and their impacts on the school’s existence. The change process involves thorough preparation, consensus deliberation, and continuous evaluation. Three key change strategies are identified: establishing a parent organisation, adapting organisational forms, and evolving leadership structures. Positive impacts include strengthened internal and external roles, but challenges like increased competition and potential shifts in Islamic values are noted. The study underscores the importance of strategic changes for the continued existence of Islamic boarding schools in the face of evolving educational landscapes.