Actor Collaboration Model in Ecotourism Management through a Local Wisdom Approach in East Java

Tourism is one of the leading sectors and has an important role in the development of a country. Tourism development can involve the participation of stakeholders from both the government, the community and the private sector or what is often referred to as collaboration so that it can have a positive impact. The research method uses qualitative methods, with a research focus (1) Sustainable fisheries resource management model through the nyatran tradition as local wisdom Collaboration of actors in local wisdom-based ecotourism management (2) Programs and activities as well as efforts made by the government and local institutions in utilizing and managing ecotourism and local wisdom values and existing local potential (3) Determining opportunities for local wisdom-based ecotourism management can be maintained and utilized in policy formulation. Qualitative data processing was carried out using the ‘cross check’ approach of informants to provide a deeper understanding of the various statements made by respondents, as well as based on the results of observations and secondary data review.

Ecotourism began when the negative impact on conventional tourism activities was felt. This negative impact is not only stated and proven by environmental experts but also culturalists, community leaders and tourism business people. Impacts in the form of environmental damage, uncontrolled influence on local culture, reduced role of local communities and business competition that began to threaten the environment, culture and economy of local communities. The government has collaborated in the development of ecotourism-based tourism.  Ecotourism is one of the strategies in mobilizing the community to participate actively in sustainable tourism development by making the community the main actors in tourism development as well as efforts in preserving the environment both natural and cultural.