The Present Situation of Salvation in the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church in Vihiga District, Kenya

It is quite challenging that human beings are sensitive to minor things, and this sensitivity to minor things is surely evidence of a strange disorder of humanity and their great confusion. This involves a situation of one becoming as sensitive as to despise matters of importance that makes one to be so absurd because of the situation. It is the conviction grouped in the good news that “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself” that makes salvation immensely more than a theory, a traditional belief or a slogan. It brings into focus as a necessity to understand. In spite of the fact that we are all unique persons, we share common beliefs, values and ways of life with many others around us. We not only share those beliefs but also reinforce them in one another and teach them to our children. The shared aspects of our personal cultures produce the common value, priorities and standards of behavior that we apply in each context. We begin to learn these things as helpless infants, and by the time we are adults, they shape much of what we are and do. It is also amusing to the author that many concepts currently labeled “Innovative” or “contemporary” are not new ideas at all. Everything seems new if one is ignorant of history. Many methods parading under the banner of “change” have been used in the past in a slightly altered form. Some of them have worked and some of them haven’t. It’s a well-known truth that if we are ignorant of the lessons of the past mistakes, we usually end up making the same mistakes made by the people before us. It is until the mental map of people are transformed is when true transition in the society can be accomplished. This is why the study aimed at investigating the present situation of salvation as understood by the Pentecostal Assemblies of God Church(PAG) in Vihiga County , Kenya, and the impact of culture on it.