Individualism in Europe: A Comparison to Asia

The motto of Liberty, Equality, Fraternity was originated in Europe in the 18th century. A desire to be on one’s own and go freely has been spread worldwide. Every individual is valued more than ever, each individual is an independent spirit who could express the creativity of their’s own volition. It can be said that individualism is one of the core values that lead to the development of Europe as it is today. It is worth studying how “individualism” develops in Europe and compare it to Asia where “individualism” promotes its own values besides collectivism while being influenced by the West. This will involve a specific model that blends the European idea of individual autonomy with Asian collectivism. Europeans take part in the decision-making process through the family so as to create a close relationship between the individual and the family; the Asian culture has to be self-sufficient.  Implementing this concept would reduce the chances of exploiting of common men in general and fragile groups in particular.