Teacher Supervision Strategy in Maintaining Learning Quality in Kindergarten using the Montessori Method

The quality of ECE (Early Childhood Education) implementation determines the quality of the processes within it, teachers have an important role in education, teacher professionalism and the quality of learning will increase if supervision is carried out with a clear structure and direction. In kindergarten, many schools label the name Montessori even though the education is far from the Montessori education method. The aim of this research is to analyze ECE teacher supervision strategies, implementation of learning using the Montessori method, and supervision strategies using the Montessori method. This research uses a qualitative approach of the SLR type, the PRISMA model. The process involves: (1) Searching for articles using the Google Scholar search engine, (2) Determining inclusion and exclusion criteria, (3) Screening until inclusion articles that meet the criteria are collected, (4) Synthesis of relevant literature to get a comprehensive picture of the related issues. Teacher supervision strategies to maintain the quality of learning using the Montessori method in PAUD/ECE. Teachers are child educators who provide stimulation, so that “Montessori Schools” must be given supervision regarding teacher supervision. The results of this research: In Indonesia, educational evaluation is carried out through monitoring and evaluation activities (Monev) or supervision carried out by education and evaluation supervisors who are accredited by the National Accreditation Agency (BAN), then learning using the Montessori Method has 4 pillar concepts and 9 elements, and The supervision strategy using the Montessori method for teachers is that the prerequisites are supervision with knowledge, interpersonal skills and technical skills.