Legal Legality in Managing UMKM Business Online

Understanding this legality is very important for MSME players. It can also provide confidence to customers, business partners, and investors that the MSME business is run with integrity and in accordance with established standards. The development of information technology in the era of globalisation has caused the world to become free and caused various social dynamics to occur directly, continuously and quickly, so that the life lived by humans feels easier, as well as freedom in making choices in life. What is currently growing rapidly is the occurrence of transactions and buying and selling agreements that do not require direct face-to-face contact, but can be done through the world of information technology connected to the internet network.

Through the internet, communities that specialise in trading certain goods are now starting to grow. Business people are now starting to join sites that accommodate their communities. These sites require users to become members first, but some do not. As an online shop that offers goods to be traded via the internet (Ecommerce).