Actions Under the Law in Agreements Through the Internet Media

The development of the technology information has encougaded the existance of many activities performed by society through the sophisticated information technology, in this chase is internet. One of activities in the cyberg discussed in this term is electronic commerce. The usage of internet in humans activities causes a borderless world circumstance. There are a lot of people all over the world can take adventages of internet for their daily lives, but there are also some disadventages or bad impacts of internet itself,especially in online business activities, as it is wellkown as E-Commerce. In the electronic commerce it self, it may create the existance of many breaking law actions. Therefore, it is essential to think the solutionof these problems in the form of law in actions, given to some tort in the electronic commerce in internet. As the consequency, such cases can be solved in law order and there will not be any vacuum of law that finally may cause a greater lost. This research was carried out based on Law Number 16 Year 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactions (ITE Law), the Code of Civil (Civil Code). The results of this study this time in the business actors or the public at large so as to better understand the buying and selling transactions (e-commerce) and the extent to which these transactions (e-commerce) umbrella law, namely Law No. 16 Year 2016 on Information and Electronic Transactions (UU ITE), the Code of Civil (Civil Code). Legal actions experience their development through jurisprudence both in the Netherlands and in Indonesia, which expands the meaning of legal actions not only violating laws, but also violating decency and decency that live and apply in society.