An Overview of the Precepts, Attitudes and Role of Governments and NGOs in Generation Z Political Participation in Singkawang City

Generation Z political participation refers to the involvement of generation Z in following various political activities, generation Z is also a generation group that is very close to the virtual world. Generation Z in Singkawang City has a very diverse participation and attitude towards politics. In this case, of course, there must be a role for government institutions and civil society to increase the political participation of Generation Z, but Generation Z really needs improvement efforts made through virtual approaches and social media. Singkawang City, which is a city in 2024, will hold general elections and regional head elections in the same year, of course, the role of government agencies and civil society is very important in increasing political participation. This research aims to look at a review of the perceptions, attitudes and roles of the government as well as NGOs in the political participation of generation Z in Singkawang City. The method used in this research is qualitative research with field research so that the results of this research can recognise the role of government institutions and civil society in Singkawang City in increasing the political participation of generation Z.