Aspects of Legal Protection by the State Against Victims of Child and Women Trade

Human Trafficking is a very complex problem and until now there is no proper solution to overcome it. This issue is very important because the majority of victims are underage girls who do not get their rights as a child. The purpose of trafficking in persons is for sexual exploitation, forced labor or other forms of exploitation. There is nothing honorable or fair about enslaving humans or trading them as objects of trade. The majority of the ways they get entangled are with the mode of debt bondage and fraud perpetrated by brokers. Not all girls experience the mechanism of trafficking in the same way. Of all the mechanisms that occur, at the stage of acceptance, sexual violence is experienced by many victims because girls under the age of 18 mostly work as female sex workers. International efforts to combat human trafficking include efforts to prevent human trafficking, rescue victims, and punish perpetrator. It is important to realize that people involved in human trafficking come not only from developing countries but also from developed countries and victims can come from all walks of life and gender. It is important to understand our role as individuals in preventing human trafficking by watching for any signs of suspicion and reporting suspicious activity to the regulatory authorities. We can also support the efforts of organizations and institutions fighting to combat trafficking in persons and assist those affected.