The Influence of Work Life Balance on Turnover Intention Through Organizational Commitment (On Employees of Forwarding Company in East Java)

This study aims to evaluate the relationship between work-life balance and intent to quit among employees of forwarding company in esat java using organizational commitment. This research, which has 35 respondents, uses stratified disproportionate random sampling and quantitative techniques. This work use the SmartPLS 3.2.9 software to perform SEM statistical analysis. There are many employees who feel uncomfortable extending their work hours to include activities related to their jobs. Employees of forwarding company in esat java indicate that turnover intention falls into the category of turnover, meaning that many employees have a work commitment and consistently finish their assignments on time. The employee commitment policy of an organization should be maintained by including employees in the process of assessing organizational performance and facilitating two-way communication in a transparent and timely manner. This might highlight the lack of trust that exists between businesses and their employees.According to the study’s findings, work-life balance has a minor but favorable impact on turnover intention in addition to having a positive and significant affect on organizational commitment. Moreover, a mediating element in the relationship between work-life balance and desire to quit may be organizational commitment among forwarding company in east java employees.

Descriptive Analysis of Reading Comprehension Level of Grade 7 Students: Basis for a Reading Program

This study explored the reading comprehension level of the grade 7 students at the University of La Salette, Incorporated High School. It utilized a quantitative, descriptive research design to analyze the data from the CEM Reading Test Level 3 of three hundred sixty-eight (368) grade 7 students who served as the sample population of this study. The result revealed the students performed better in the content areas of scanning, point of view, and literal compared to the norm group. However, students were rated low average in the following content areas: synonyms, literal, inferential, reorganization, summary cloze, references, labels, and tables. The CEM Reading Test Level 3 revealed that the students’ sub-test scores, percent correct scores, and standard score only ranged from low average to average. It also revealed that there are 32.88% of students who were classified in the range of low average to very poor level of reading comprehension. The study recommends that teachers focus on developing skills in vocabulary development and reading study aids and utilize the reading intervention program proposed by the researcher to determine its effectiveness in improving the reading comprehension level of the students.

The Effect of Job Satisfaction and Job Stress on Employee Performance (Study at PT. POS Indonesia Bangkalan Branch)

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of work stress and job satisfaction on employee performance at the PT POS Indonesia Bangkalan Branch. In this study, fifty employees of PT POS Indonesia’s Bangkalan Branch participated as respondents. The basic data used in this study came from questionnaires that were distributed. The technique used is partial least square data analysis (PLS). The results of this study demonstrate that, although job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect, employee performance has a minor impact on workers’ performance at the PT POS Indonesia Bangkalan branch.

Staff Emolument, Job Security and Employee Commitment: A Correlational Analysis of Multinational Oil Companies in South-South, Nigeria

Multinational oil companiеs, whosе goals arе basically oil еxploration, thеir succеss could bе dirеctly tracеd to thе quality of staff, and thе commitmеnt of such staff are basеd on thе working conditions that motivatе thеm. One of such condition is employee emolument and job security. Thus, this paper investigated how emolument and job security correlate employee commitment in multinational oil companies in South-South, Nigeria. Two hypotheses were tested in the study. Thе study еmployеd thе еx-post facto descriptive survey design sampling thе opinions of 482 participants within thе jurisdiction of thе study. Thе instrument used was thе questionnaire titled Staff Emolument, Job Security and Employee Commitment Questionnaire (SEJSECQ). Thе data analysis еmployеd thе use of dеscriptivе statistics with thе statistical packagе of thе social sciеncеs version 23 (SPSS 23). Thе stated hypothеsеs wеrе tеstеd using thе Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) of significance with thе same software. It was found in thе study that was a positivе significant rеlationship bеtwееn staff еmolumеnt, tеrms of еmploymеnt (job sеcurity), and staff lеvеl of commitmеnt in multinational oil companiеs in South-South, Nigеria. Based on the findings generated from the study, the researcher therefore concludes that the multinational oil companies in South-South, Nigeria has a great level of staff emolument and job security which has a direct link to their employee commitment. It was rеcommеndеd among othеrs that Multinational oil companiеs and othеr corporatе organizations should еnsurе propеr and adеquatе еmployее еmolumеnt implеmеntation policy. This will adеquatеly еnhancе staff lеvеl of commitmеnt.

Pedagogical Competence of Islamic Education Teachers Based on The Perspective of Indonesian Law Number 14 of 2005 Concerning Teachers and Lecturers

This research examines the challenges Islamic religious education teachers in Ambon City face in meeting academic qualification standards and pedagogical competencies by Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 of 2005 concerning teachers and lecturers. Even though there are continuing education and training programs, many teachers must meet the minimum Bachelor or Diploma IV qualifications. This research highlights the importance of deep understanding and educational insight for teachers in their teaching assignments. Teachers with solid theoretical knowledge are more effective in applying diverse learning methods and adapting material to student characteristics, thereby improving the quality of teaching. A good understanding of the curriculum, application of innovative learning methods, and the ability to adapt to individual student needs are essential to creating an effective and inclusive learning environment. This research shows that teachers’ ongoing efforts to improve the quality of their learning can significantly influence educational outcomes. However, teaching practices still need improvement, especially in innovation and adaptation of learning methods.

The Use of Debt Collector Services in the Forced Withdrawal of Fiduciary Guarantees at PT. Smart Multifinance (Study of Decision Number 5/Pdt.G.S/2021/PN Bit)

Bad credit is a common problem in lending, and finance companies often use debt collectors to withdraw collateral if debtors fail to pay. This withdrawal must comply with applicable regulations. PT. Smart Multifinance used debt collectors in the dispute case with consumer Mulyanti Badu in Court Decision Number 5/Pdt.g.s/2021/PN Bit,. Forced withdrawals carried out by debt collectors without a court decision or fiduciary certificate are considered unlawful. This research aims to analyze the legality of using debt collector services in withdrawing fiduciary guarantees and legal protection for consumers in these disputes. The research uses normative juridical methods with a statutory and conceptual approach, using primary and secondary legal materials. The research conclusion shows that the use of debt collector services is legal if it complies with Indonesian law and correct procedures. Legal protection for consumers includes internal protection (in agreements) and external protection (legislative).

The Effect of Capital Structure and Profitability on Firm Value with Dividend Policy as a Moderating Variable in Property and Real Estate Companies Listed on the IDX

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of capital structure and profitability on firm value with dividend policy in property and real estate companies listed on the IDX. The sample of this research is 6 companies. The results obtained from this study are Capital Structure as measured by debt to equity ratio (DER) has no significant effect on firm value in property and real estate companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017 – 2022. Profitability as measured by return on equity (ROE) has a significant effect on firm value in property and real estate companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017-2022. Dividend policy (devidend payout ratio / DPR) is able to moderate the effect of debt to equity ratio (DER) on firm value in property and real estate companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017 – 2022. Dividend policy (devidend payout ratio / DPR) is able to moderate the effect of return on equity (ROE) on firm value in property and real estate companies listed on the IDX for the period 2017 – 2022.

Empowering Omani Employees: Transforming Communication Skills through Targeted English Speaking Courses

In today’s globalized environment, proficiency in English is a crucial skill, especially in professional contexts. This article details the journey and significant progress of Omani employees at the General Directorate of Education in Al-Dakhiliya Governorate, Oman, who participated in an English speaking course designed to improve their fluency. Through structured learning and dedication, these employees demonstrated notable improvements, culminating in their ability to confidently deliver presentations in English by the end of the course. The course was tailored to meet the participants’ specific needs, including daily conversational practice, role-playing exercises, grammar workshops, vocabulary building, listening tasks, and public speaking training. The progress observed in fluency, grammar, vocabulary, listening skills, and confidence underscores the effectiveness of targeted language training. The course concluded with final presentations, showcasing the participants’ enhanced communication skills. This success story highlights the importance of customized language training programs in boosting professional communication abilities, suggesting that similar initiatives could benefit various sectors by enhancing employees’ communication skills and career prospects.

A Comparative Study of Cultural Barriers to Girls’ Right to Education in Bamyan and Kandahar Cities

By taking control of Afghanistan, the Taliban regime has closed schools and universities to girls and denied them the right to education beyond the sixth grade. The Taliban government has declared the lack of a suitable environment that is compatible with Islamic standards as the main reason for opposing the education of girls. While the majority of Sunni and Shiite jurists and religious scholars do not agree with the Taliban ruling. An example of such a restriction is not seen even in the most traditional Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia. Many views consider the Taliban’s policy towards girls’ education as a result of the traditions and cultural values ​​of the Pashtuns. Based on this, the present research, with a comparative study of the cities of Bamyan and Kandahar, tried to investigate the cultural barriers to the right to education for girls in these two cities, which represent the two largest ethnic groups in Afghanistan. Qualitative method was used in this research and data was obtained through the analysis of questionnaires. The questionnaires of this research were set up in the online form of Google and were given to the respondents using the “available” method. According to the findings of the research, cultural factors are the main obstacle to girls not having access to the right to education, which is not allowing families, wrong culture and traditions, insecurity, lack of morale, unfavorable economic situation, early marriage, lack of awareness, inappropriate educational environment, lack of family encouragement, Men’s pessimistic view of girls, and the weak perception of girls compared to boys in society, were identified as the most important.

Mapping the Effect of Supply Chain Management on Financial Performance Using a Bibliometric Analysis

Supply chain management (SCM) makes positive contributions to financial performance, although there has been little research on bibliometrics. The purpose of this study is to analyze and map the financial impacts of supply chain management through bibliometric analysis. We used the Scopus database for this research. Several bibliometric methodologies, including research trends, productive contributors, collaboration networks, and research focus areas, are integrated with topics to create an overview. The findings reveal that the literature on supply chain management and financial performance has grown significantly over the past few decades. The contributions of researchers worldwide represent interests that cross geographical boundaries and provide an overview of the global challenges. Mapping the financial impacts of supply chain management using network visualization reveals four clusters of current hot issues. The red cluster primarily focuses on green supply chain management. The light green cluster emphasizes practical implications, while the dark green cluster is dedicated to business improvement. The blue cluster is centered around organizational performance. These findings offer valuable insights into current research trajectories and opportunities for optimizing supply chain management to enhance financial performance.