Effects of Guided Inquiry and Peer Tutoring Teaching Strategies on Achievement of Physics Students’ in Delta State

Effects of guided inquiry and peer tutoring teaching strategies on achievement of students’ in physics in Delta State was investigated. Quasi-experimental design, specifically non-equivalent pre-test, posttest, control group design was adopted. A sample size of 289 SS II Physics students, randomly selected from six secondary schools was used. The reliability of the instrument was done using Kuder-Richardson Formula 21 which yielded a coefficient of 0.86. The treatment involved exposing students in experimental groups to Physics concepts with the use of guided inquiry and peer tutoring strategy, and the control group with lecture method. Pretest was administered before the treatment and posttest after the treatment. The scores obtained were analyzed using mean and standard deviation for the research question and analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) for testing the hypothesis. It was found in the study that peer tutoring strategy and lecture method have significant effects on students’ achievement in physics than guided inquiry teaching strategy; there was no significant difference in the mean achievement scores of Physics students taught with guided inquiry and lecture method. It was recommended among others that both guided inquiry, peer tutoring strategies and lecture should be adopted by physics teachers during classroom instruction.

Music Feature and Characteristics in Ca Tru Singing

Traditional Vietnamese singing is very rich and diverse, in the Red River Delta alone, there are many different genres such as: Cheo, Xam, Quan Ho, Hat Van, Ca Tru… Each of them has its own characteristics of music, singing method, performance form, etc. Ca Tru’s basic feature requires a poetic expressing in a high level and the singing techniques become different compared to other traditional singing forms. The vocal techniques of Ca Tru include vibrating/bouncing, singular sound, accent and rubato… In this article, the author clarifies some specific characteristics in Ca Tru; analyzing the standards and the factors that directly affect the quality of Ca Tru, etc. and find out some solutions to help preserving and popularizing the traditional Ca Tru values and intangible culture of Vietnamese.

Ubuntu Morality as a Basis for the Promotion of Tonga Religious Beliefs in the High God-Leza and the Spirits-Mizimo

The paper draws on the University of South Africa (UNISA)’s three-year study entitled ‘Archaeology of Ubuntu’, which was funded by the ‘National Research Foundation’ (NRF) of South Africa. The data utilised in this paper is drawn from oral-historical discussions conducted with purposefully sampled elders from Tonga communities in Zambia’s Southern Province. The data specifically originates from the views of the elders on ‘their understanding of Ubuntu’. Despite the various conceptions of Ubuntu in scholarly circles globally, few scholars have associated Ubuntu to religion despite it being a fundamental aspect of the lives of Africans. Therefore, the main premise of this paper is to link Ubuntu to religion through the concept of morality. This is done through granting special attention to the well-developed moral cults on the ancient belief in the high God-Leza and the Spirits-Mizimo in Tonga communities of Zambia’s Southern Province. The paper specifically engages with the Tonga ancient belief in the high God-Leza and the Spirits-Mizimo and points out how the ‘moral principle’ with its moral demands or dictates leads to the promotion of the Tonga ancient belief in the high God-Leza and the Spirits-Mizimo respectively.

Ubuntu as ‘Public Policy’ among the Tonga of Zambia’s Southern Province

The paper draws its data from a three-year study entitled ‘Archaeology of Ubuntu’ funded by the ‘National Research Foundation’ (NRF) of South Africa. The data utilised in this paper is drawn from interview discussions conducted with purposefully sampled elders from Tonga communities in Zambia’s Southern Province. The data specifically originates from the views of the elders on ‘their understanding of Ubuntu’. The main premise of the paper is the notion that Ubuntu is a widely theorised concept (Letseka, 2012; Mets, 2011; Ramos, 2006) with various conceptions of it as a consequence of this status quo in scholarly circles. However, of special interest to this paper among the various conceptions of Ubuntu is Nkondo’s (2007) conception of it as ‘public policy’. As such, the paper shows how this conception of Ubuntu is actualised among the Tonga of Zambia’s Southern Province. The paper realistically describes and portrays the practical implications of such a conception of Ubuntu among the Tonga. The conception of Ubuntu as ‘public policy’ is done in relation to the four main functions of ‘public policy’ in society.

The Effect of High Performance Work System and Organizational Support on Employee Performance and Job Satisfaction as a Mediation Variable

Companies are required to increase their assets due to this high competition, one of the biggest assets that affect company performance is the company’s human resource (HR) assets. This study aims to determine the effect of HPWS and organizational support on employee performance which is mediated by job satisfaction. The sample of this research was 200 employees of PDAM Way Rilau, Bandar Lampung City. Data collection through a questionnaire based on purposive sampling technique and processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of AMOS software. The results of the study show that the high performance work system has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PDAM Way Rilau Bandar Lampung employees, organizational support has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction has an effect on employee performance, job satisfaction mediates the effect of high performance work system on employee performance, job satisfaction mediates the effect of organizational support on employee performance. Organizations must pay more attention to employees, which can be in the form of motivation or awards given to employees, and management can also supervise their employees more in completing their work according to the allotted time.

Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of HPWS and organizational support on employee performance which is mediated by job satisfaction

Patients and methods: The sample of this research was 200 employees of PDAM Way Rilau, Bandar Lampung City. Data collection through a questionnaire based on purposive sampling technique and processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the help of AMOS software.

Results: The results of the study show that the high performance work system has a positive and significant effect on the performance of PDAM Way Rilau Bandar Lampung employees, organizational support has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job satisfaction has an effect on employee performance, job satisfaction mediates the effect of high performance work system on employee performance, job satisfaction mediates the effect of organizational support on employee performance.

Conclusion: Organizations must pay more attention to employees, which can be in the form of motivation or awards given to employees, and management can also supervise their employees more in completing their work according to the allotted time.

The Use of Islamic Story for EFL Students’ Essay

This study explores the use of Islamic stories as a pedagogical tool for enhancing the quality of essays among English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. The primary objectives of this research are to assess the impact of utilizing Islamic stories techniques on EFL students’ writing skills and to determine if such an approach leads to improve essay composition.

To achieve these objectives, a pre experimental research design was employed. A group of EFL students of the third semester was selected purposively as sample and exposed to Islamic stories intervention grounded in Adab education principles, where pre- and post-intervention writing assessments on opinion essays were given to get data.

The results of this study show that using Islamic stories to integrate Adab education concepts greatly improves EFL students’ abilty to write essays especially in opinion essay that are well-organized and convey complex ideas. The disparity in the pre- and post-test findings serves as evidence for it. Students received 46.4 for content and 40.1 for organization on the pre-test. In the meantime, the students’ post-test results showed improvement; they received a 68 on the content element and a 74 on the organization element.

In conclusion, this research provides insights into the potential use of Islamic stories principles in the context of English as a Foreign Language instruction, specifically in enhancing the teaching of essay writing in terms of opinion essay. These findings have implications for pedagogical practices in writing. Moreover, the findings indicate that implementing this strategy can serve as a beneficial instructional resource for teachers aiming to cultivate enhanced writing abilities.

Motivational Factors in Learning an L2: A Study on Intrinsic/Extrinsic Motivation, Classroom Materials and Teachers’ Behaviors

The aim of this study was to explore intrinsic and extrinsic motivations toward learning Spanish, French, and Mandarin as foreign languages. Also, this study investigates which are the main factors that influence the learners’ motivation of the L2, focusing on two specific aspects within the classroom: the materials used in this learning process and the teacher’s behaviors. A sample of 173 high school L2 students (9-12) was selected. The results showed that among the top 10 reasons that justified their L2 learning process, 6 were based on intrinsic factors and 4 on extrinsic ones. Also, these results showed that the most preferred materials by the students to learn are those related to audio-visual resources. Lastly, regarding the teachers’ motivational practices, the results showed that learners value as the most important motivational factors some teacher’s personality traits.

Rental Agreements That Do Not Meet the Elements of a Halal Cause

The aim of the research is to evaluate the validity of rental agreements that do not meet the elements of a halal cause, to find the legal consequences for the parties of rental agreements that do not meet the elements of a halal cause, to evaluate the judge’s legal considerations regarding leases that do not meet the elements of a halal cause. .

The research method is a normative juridical research type using a statutory approach and a conceptual approach.

Based on the research results, it was concluded that the validity of the rental agreement between Plaintiff Karwanto and Defendant Endra was invalid because one of the conditions for the validity of the agreement was not fulfilled in Article 1320 paragraph (4) of the Civil Code or Civil Code. The legal consequence for the parties of a rental agreement that does not fulfill the elements of a halal cause is that the rental agreement between the Plaintiff Karwanto and the Defendant Endra does not fulfill one of the objective elements, namely a halal cause which results in cancellation, namely that the agreement itself is null and void by law. The judge’s legal considerations regarding leases that do not fulfill the elements of a halal cause are inappropriate in the Court of First Instance because the Panel of Judges does not consider the provisions of Article 1320 of the Civil Code relating to a halal cause as one of the conditions for the validity of the agreement.

Augmented Reality with STEAM through Blended Learning for Elementary School


Purpose: Students in elementary school have difficulty to understand difficult topics because they are still in the concrete operational stage. By visualizing complex concepts as three-dimensional objects,

Augmented Reality (AR) enables interactive and real-time reality. This investigation employs an interdisciplinary approach to Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM) using AR technology.

Patients and methods: The current study employs an interdisciplinary methodology that combines STEAM and AR with blended learning as pedagogical strategies in elementary education. The present study was conducted in Bengkulu, Indonesia, with a sample of forty elementary school students and six sixth-grade instructors.

Results: The results of N-gain indicate an improvement in the experimental class, indicating that the AR method is extremely effective at improving students’ comprehension.

Conclusion:The research shows that AR integrated with STEAM-based blended learning has significantly increase student engagement in the classroom and improve the development of students’ cross-disciplinary knowledge integration, problem-solving, and self-directed learning skills. Moreover, STEAM with AR is required for students to comprehend the course material and has assisted instructors in optimizing the use of media in classroom.

Interrelationships among Parental Career Support, Students Science Self-Efficacy, and Career Decision Making in Muranga County Kenya

Parents play a significant role in shaping their children’s career choices. However, in Murang’a County, Kenya, there is a lack of research focusing on the specific aspects of parental support, and science self-efficacy, interacting with students’ career decisions. Furthermore, there is a limited understanding of how parental factors, in conjunction with students’ self-efficacy in science subjects, influence the career choices students ultimately make. This research aims to fill this gap by examining how parental career support and students’ self-efficacy in science interact to influence career decision-making among students attending public secondary schools. The study was grounded in the Social Cognitive Career Theory, which prompted the following research inquiries; are there interrelationships between parents’ support, students’ self-efficacy for science, and students’ career decision making. The study involved a sample of 482 students in the third year of public secondary schools. The sample size was determined using Cochran’s formula. The selection of 11 schools, including both single-gender and mixed schools, was based on purposive sampling and proportionate stratified random sampling methods. Participants within these schools were chosen through random sampling.  The data were gathered and analyzed using SPSS software. To test the hypotheses, statistical techniques such as Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient, analysis of variance, and multiple regression were employed. The study observed parents’ support, self-efficacy in science, and career decision making were interrelated. Recommendations on the inclusion of specific parental attributes in enhancing science self-efficacy to improve students’ choices in sciences were made.