Black Women’s Revolt in the Struggle for Freedom: An Exploration of Toni Morrison’s Selected Novels

This research work is about black women’s contribution in the struggle for black freedom in America as dramatized in Toni Morrison’s works. Drawing from the New Historicism, the psychological and sociological approaches which allow to enlighten a literary text within its socio-historical dimension, it purports to highlight strategies of revolt settled by black female characters against social injustices and discrimination in order to integrate the American society. The exploration of the selected narratives evidences the manifestations of black women’s struggle for black freedom; a revolt related to the history of America with abolitionists like Harriet Tubman called by ‘black Moses,’ Harriet Jacobs, Rosa Park to quote only some. Being the most vulnerable for ages in the practice of slavery, black women revolted and involved themselves into concrete actions to claim not only their identity as black people but also the right to be considered human beings as white people in the American soil. To get rid of the white system of slavery, black women inner motivation of revolt has been expressed by the psychological awake allowing them to act for their identity and freedom. This study finally shows not only the involvement of black women in the struggle for black freedom, but also the black women power in conflict regulation testimonies of which are substantial in the history of America.

The Influence of the Reading Medium on Learning Efficacy

This paper outlines the differences between electronic and printed reading comprehension for English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students. It explores which sources EFL students prefer and the reasons behind that; whether the reading mode influences the comprehension of the material being read; and which reading strategies are applied to each reading mode. We hypothesize that comprehension is easier and more successful when reading from printed sources. The method includes an experiment with students from the English Language Teaching (ELT) Program at the South East European University (SEEU) in North Macedonia. It aims to analyze and compare text comprehension and strategies used during digital reading (e-reading) and printed reading (p-reading). Findings clearly showed a preference for p-reading and more successful comprehension with this mode. No difference was found in the reading strategies application between e-reading and p-reading. The main conclusion is that there are no differences in the cognitive process underlying reading and understanding of electronic and print media, but comprehension and hence learning is more successful with printed sources. Eye fatigue and brain strain are the greatest disadvantages of electronic reading. Current and future English teachers, educational workers and policy makers should consider these conclusions when creating curricula for all educational levels and all ages.

The Influence of Competence, Business Motivation and Entrepreneurial Spirit on Business Success in Ciawi District, Bogor Regency (Case Study of Snack Food MSMEs)

The development of snack food MSMEs in Ciawi District does not always run smoothly, many obstacles and constraints are encountered. Some of the obstacles include low quality human resources, limited business capital, marketing difficulties, management and technology limitations which will have an impact on the success of the business achieved.Business success is a goal that every business actor wants to achieve. Success in developing a business is based on entrepreneurs who have competence, business motivation and a good entrepreneurial spirit. An entrepreneur is a person who has a high capacity for knowledge and skills, has the motivation to continue to develop and has innovative ideas so that he is able to compete with the times.This research aims to determine the influence of competence, business motivation and entrepreneurial spirit on business success in Ciawi District, Bogor Regency (case study of snack food MSMEs). The population in this study were snack business actors in Ciawi District consisting of 50 respondents, sampling using a saturated sampling technique. Data analysis uses multiple linear regression. The research results show that competence has a positive and significant effect on business success, business motivation has a positive and significant effect on business success and entrepreneurial spirit has a positive and significant effect on business success. Simultaneously, competence, business motivation and entrepreneurial spirit have a positive and significant effect on business success. The most dominant variable influencing business success is the competency variable.

Meaningfulness of Online Inquiry Learning

Inquiry learning has long stood the test of time over the last hundred years to maintain value in the practice of education, more so in the 21st century. ‘Introspection’ captures best what Dewey (1910/1933) illumines on reflective thinking which is vital in the teaching-learning process (Bybee & Landes, 1990; Gibbs 1988; Farell, 2008). The current literature is rich to inform on the principles and practices of inquiry learning, but with disparate findings as to its effectiveness and design of approaches, both as framework for empirical work and as pedagogical innovation. This study reflects on the Inquiry-based Learning Project (IQBLP) designed to engage students to explore Intercultural Communication Competencies (ICC) of migrants, expats, and international students. The project was designed to be fully online. Through a comprehensive and reflective action analysis using SWOT, the study found that the IQBLP is an authentic highly motivating experience for students to achieve learning outcomes and could be moderately affected by student’s mediocre or superficial attitude towards learning. It is highly potential to promote holistic development with very minimal to negligible risk when done online. It is theoretically and philosophically sound to build ICC and uncover the hidden curriculum, targeting all prescribed general education outcomes. Its risks and threats are manageable but vital to inform future directions and application across the curriculum in hybrid or in-person modality.

Funds Disbursement and Service Delivery in Uganda Case of Kabale District Local Government

The purpose of this study was to determine how funding distribution impacted the delivery of services in Kabale District Local Government. The study’s end variable was service delivery, while the study’s predictor factors were the allocation of funds. The research was conducted after the cross-sectional survey. The information from 86 respondents was acquired, and both quantitative and qualitative analysis were carried out. Since descriptive analysis called for a single variable and its features to be presented together with the data, frequency tables were used to describe the data. The bivariate correlations between the predictor components and the dependent variable were examined using a Pearson correlation matrix.  A linear regression model was used to fit the data. The distribution of money (R=862) has a positive significance on the capacity of the local administration of Kabale District, according to research findings from the regression model. The main conclusion of this study is that the delivery of services is significantly impacted by how money is distributed. The study suggests that more effort should be put into money disbursement in order to ensure that service delivery at Kabale District Local Government is sustainable.

Effect of Board Accountability on Financial Performance of Selected Saccos in Kiruhura District, Uganda

Board accountability and Financial Performance are significant concepts among SACCOs in Uganda due to their involvement in the financial inter mediation process. In spite of the several interventions by Bank Uganda, a number of banks and other financial institutions have failed to operate forcing the regulators to intervene to ensure sanity in the financial system. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of corporate governance on financial performance of SACCOs in Kiruhura District, Uganda and the specific objective were; To examine the effect of board accountability on financial performance of selected SACCOs in Kiruhura District, In this study, a cross-sectional survey research design was employed, adopting quantitative and qualitative approaches research approaches. A total population of 342 people were used at a confidence level of 95% or error of 0.05 and the sample size was 184 respodents who involved the staff and members taken from the six SACCOs registered in Kiruhura district’s, Uganda as of January 2023.The obtained data for analysis  was divided into two phases. First, descriptive statistics on the respondents and the preliminary data analysis  were performed using SPSS version 20.0. These statistics included multicollinearity, mean and standard deviation, outliers and extreme values, and missing values and in the second phase, the structural relationships between the variables in the suggested conceptual model were tested and examined using structural equation modeling (SEM). Jaffrey’s Amazing Statistical Program (JASP) version was used to implement SEM. The findings of the study were: The effect of board accountability (BAC) on financial performance was found to have a negative effect (g = -0.908), implying that the data failed to support the direct relationship between BAC and FiP, thus not supporting H01,  Therefore the study concludes that  SACCOS will do less well financially the more its board assumes accountability for the company’s decisions and communicates them openly to stakeholders.the study recommends that  the  board of directors should be more effective in ensuring that they communicate the  decisions clearly and appropriately so that SACCO’s  maximize shareholders wealth. SACCO’s should seek best strategies of communicating and sharing the accountability feedback with SACCO members to generate maximum benefits for everyone.

Leadership of Female Madrasa Heads in Realizing a Superior Madrasa

This research was aimed to describe of type, behavior and leadership tactics of female madrasa heads in realizing the institution image as a superior madrasa which the public still in doubt. This research is qualitative which design was multi case study. The data was collected through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation method. The data then was analyzed using interactive model (display, condensation, and verification) data.  The result showed: 1) The leadership type of female madrasah heads is a combination of visionary, democratic, innovator, conservator, advocate, administrative, semi-militaristic and paternalistic; 2) Leadership behavior is related to tasks, relationships with subordinates and the level of maturity between the leader and the task, subordinates and the level of maturity of subordinates which reflects the presence of contingent reward, management by-exception-active, idealized influence/attributed, idealized influence/behaviors, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation , individualized considering, telling, selling, participating and delegating; 3) Leadership tactics are carried out using an approach of will, discipline, commitment, self-confidence, development of superior academic and extracurricular programs, development of social and environmental programs as well as supervision of institutions, teachers and students to excel. The research results strengthen Golleman’s visionary leadership type concept that visionary leadership is oriented towards shared dreams by achieving a determined vision, as well as strengthening Bass & Avolio’s concept of leadership behavior that leadership behavior is closely related to task dimensions, relationship patterns and subordinate maturity.

Analysis of Interest in Using GoPay Electronic Wallet in Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business UPN “Veteran” East Java

The utilization of information technology is crucial in the present day. The advent of original and creative technology-based business ideas, such electronic payment tools that use technical advancements. Gojek is one company that offers electronic wallet services, indicative of this rapid development.

Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of percieved usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived security on interest in using the GoPay digital wallet on students of the faculty of economics and business of UPN “Veteran” East Java.

Patients and methods: The analysis method used is a method test on smart pls

Results: perceived usefulness can contribute to interest in using, perceived ease of use can contribute to interest in using and perceived security can contribute to interest in using.

Conclusion: Based on the results of this study that the variables of perceived usefullnes, perceived ease of use, perceived security are said to have an effect and are significant to the interest in using the GoPay digital wallet.

The Influence of Brand Awareness and Brand Association on the Repurchase Intention of Dr. Martens’s Shoes in Surabaya City

The current fashion industry in the global market is growing rapidly, the footwear industry does not want to be outcompeted. Now, shoes are not only seen in terms of their usefulness, namely as footwear but they have become part of a person’s lifestyle that may be able to reflect their social status and characteristics. Shoes have an important role in terms of dressing, as a support for appearance, and personal identity. According to him, shoes can also improve performance.

Purpose: This research aims to determine the effect of the influence of brand awareness and brand association on the repurchase intention of Dr. Martens’s shoes in Surabaya city

Patients and methods: The analysis method used is a method test on pls with the results of research that brand awareness and brand association contribute to repurchase intention.

Results: The research aims to determine the influence of brand awareness and brand association on the repurchase intention of Dr. Martens shoes in the city of Surabaya.

Conclusion: The influence of brand awareness  can contribute to the repurchase intention of Dr. Martens’s shoes in Surabaya city; Brand association  can contribute to the repurchase intention of Dr. Martens’s shoes in Surabaya city.

The Implementation of Structural Linguistic Approach through the Analysis of English Clauses into Phrases to Develop Achievements of Native Indonesian Speaking Students of English

The article was concerned with the syntactic analysis of English clauses into phrases based on the structural linguistic approach. The materials had covered the illustrations of the use of brackets and tree diagram to identify the constituents of phrases within the English clauses.  The research aimed to reveal the power of structural linguistic approach through the analysis of constituents constructed in phrases to develop the students’ English achievements. The method had been organized to conduct an experimental design, including pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The test which was classified as an objective type consisted of 18 kinds of syntactic constituents. The research samples consisted of 40 persons. The course materials had been assumed as feed provided to the course participants. The data were organized and processed to obtain a mean percentage for each syntactic constituent. The findings revealed that the native Indonesian speaking students of English gained the improvements of the syntactic constituents manipulated in phrases being derived from clauses. The comparison between the results of pre-test with 41.53% and those of post-test with 66.39% had been done, so that the progress of achievements after treatment was obviously indicated to be significant (59.86%). The power of feed provision through analyses was also indicated to give positive effects to the given students as the course participants. The approach through the two kinds of analyses were profitably implemented for the sake of developing the students’ English achievements.