Legal Strength of Certificate of Property Rights to Land which is Enforced Duty for Acquisition of Land Rights Obtained

The acquisition fee for land and building rights is payable to be repaid when the acquisition of rights occurs, while on the other hand the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency in Article 33 does not require the payment of fees for the acquisition of land rights and a certificate is still issued, so that a certificate of land rights is issued which is burdened with an obligation to acquire land and building rights owed. The disharmony of this arrangement creates legal uncertainty so that it affects the legal strength of land rights certificates which are burdened with debt acquisition fees for land and building rights. Based on this background, a normative juridical research method (legal research) is used, with a legal approach and a conceptual approach. The procedure for settlement of fees for the acquisition of land and building rights in the issuance of land rights certificates in Article 33 of the Regulation of the Minister of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency no. 6 of 2018 is contrary to Article 9 paragraph (2) of Law no. 20 of 2000 which regulates fees for the acquisition of land and building rights, so that it does not meet one of the 8 values of legal certainty, namely that a legal system must not contain conflicting regulations. Based on the research, it can be concluded that the certificate of ownership that is charged with the acquisition of land and building rights payable in a complete systematic land registration program does not have legal force, so that it has legal consequences for the object and subject of land rights. it is necessary to harmonize the law against ATR/BPN Regulation No. 6 of 2018.

Development of E-Modin Persuasive Texts with Love the Environment Content for Grade VIII Students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung

The purpose of this study was to compose e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for grade VIII students of junior high school. The specific purpose of this research is to examine to obtain objective descriptions and explanations about the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung integrated with verse al- the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet, so that besides achieving KD in persuasive text learning, students also have understanding, attitudes, and positive behavior in protecting the environment. The development procedure in this study is an adaptation of the development procedure (Borg & Gall, 1989). The steps are (1) information gathering, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) product trials, (5) product revisions. The subjects of this study were learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The data collection instrument was in the form of assessment sheets which were assessed by learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The results of this study are to examine the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung. The trial results showed that, first, namely the assessment of learning design experts, the results of the assessment were 92% in the “very feasible” category. The second, namely the assessment of material/content experts, obtained an assessment result of 94% in the “very feasible” category. The third, namely the assessment of linguists, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. The four assessments of media experts obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. Apart from being assessed by experts, the product was also assessed by users, both teachers and students. The assessment carried out by teacher users is divided into three aspects, namely material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. The assessment of the material/content aspect obtained a result of 94% in the “very decent” category. Assessment of linguistic aspects obtained results of 93% in the “very decent” category. While the media aspect assessment obtained results of 98% in the “very decent” category. Next, the assessment of student users obtained an assessment result of 95% in the “very decent” category. With this acquisition, it can be categorized that e-modin persuasive text products with love for the environment content for Grade VIII students of junior high school are very appropriate to use in the learning process.

The Narration of the Female Workers’ Coffins in Literary Works

This article describes the human trafficking and humanitarian violence experienced by the Indonesian Workers ‘Tenaga Kerja Indonesia’ (TKI) in general and the Female Workers ‘Tenaga Kerja Wanita’ (TKW) in particular employed abroad. The thing exerienced by the TKWs is referred to as the coffin ‘peti mati’ by the writers through the poems and short stories in the Poetry Anthology Series One (2018) and Series Two (2019/2020) with the theme The Massage of Peace from the Land of Flobamora ‘Pesan Perdamaian dari Bumi Flobamora’. What is the essence of ‘the coffin’ and why what is experienced by the TKWs employed abroad is referred as ‘the coffin’? The paraphrasing method and the qualitative descriptive method and the structural and semiotic approach were applied to find the answer to this question. The result shows that the ‘coffin’ used in the poems and short stories denotatively and connotatively shows the suffering that the TKWs suffer from and how they struggle by themselves, showing that literary works have time, space and place for exposing different social realities, one of which is the tragic plight by the TKWs.

The Existence of Azan Magazine as a Media for Spreading Islamic Knowledge in Pattani Thailand

Muslims in Thailand are a minority population. Three provinces in Thailand, namely Pattani, Yala, and Narathiwat, are predominantly Muslim, until now the people in these areas are still struggling to maintain cultural values and Islamic teachings, so that they are maintained. One of the efforts made is to publish the Azan magazine which is a media for spreading Islam in the Pattani region, Thailand. This descriptive qualitative research aims to analyze the existence of the Azan magazine as a medium for disseminating Islamic knowledge. Data collection techniques are carried out by observation, interviews, library and documentation. The data analysis technique used Miles and Huberman Interactive Analysis, with the data validity technique using the Triangulation method. The results of the study found that the Azan magazine was revived successfully after 50 years. The Azan magazine offers Malay language reading material with the characteristics and spirit of the Pattani people who are close to the Islamic religion and in Jawi writing.

Fluctuations in Political Power in Japan in the 14th – 15th Centuries

The political history of Japan in the XIV – XV centuries was a period of turbulence. It was the period of establishment of the Muromachi shogunate, associated with the fall of the Kamakura shogunate and the war between the North and the South. It was also the process of capturing power of the Ashikaga generals, defeated other local feudal forces, overwhelmed the power of the Emperor and proceeded to establish a military government right in the economic-political center of the country. In the article, the author focuses on clarifying the political situation of Japan in the XIV – XV centuries, with the reduction of the Emperor’s government, towards being nullified, along with the formation of major feudal groups, most notably the Muromachi shogunate.

Education in Austerity: Exploring Parental Participation in Supporting Community Schools in Two Villages of Eastern Zambia

The purpose of this study was to explore parental participation in supporting village community schools in two villages of Eastern Zambia. The involvement of parents in their children’s education has long been considered by educational researchers as a significant factor in positively impacting children’s success. A qualitative case study design was used based on naturalistic phenomenological philosophy that views reality as multi-layered, interactive and a social experience. The interpretive method was preferable because it takes into account the significance of context in relation to meaning. The target population were head teachers, parents, members of the Parent Community School Committee (PCSC), teachers, civic and village headmen. The study found that the role of parents and PCSC members in sampled schools mainly focused on infrastructural development of schools and mobilization of communities for material contributions and labour to the schools. Construction meetings were compulsory for all members of the community and failure to participate in community construction attracted a fine of a chicken or confiscation of household goods such as buckets or pots. The study recommended inter alia that the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders should support community schools by providing adequate learning and teaching requisites in schools.

Thia Village was the Central Propaganda Department of Vietnam in 1946-1954

Each place has its history and is often associated with a specific socio-historical situation, and it stores documents and information about its creator’s material and spiritual culture. At the place Historically Tuyen Quang, the Central Propaganda Department (formerly the Party’s Propaganda Department) lived and worked on a hill in Thia village, Tan Trao commune, Son Duong district. The article presents the historical landmarks of the Central Propaganda Department of Vietnam from 1946 – 1954. The historical-cultural values preserved through the landmarks reflect the objective reality.

Strengthening of Public Service Regulations to Overcome the Challenges of the Sandwich Generation in the Indonesian Economy

The purpose of this research is to dig deeper about the sandwich generation who are faced with a double responsibility in caring for children and elderly parents. Effective and appropriate public services are necessary in supporting the needs of the sandwich generation. This article provides an overview of the current regulation of public services and outlines strategies to strengthen regulation. Best practice case studies from other countries are also included. The method used in this research is literature review by analyzing various books and journal articles. The results of this study provide an overview of strengthening regulations that have positive implications and benefits for the sandwich generation and the general public, the importance of strengthening public service regulations in overcoming the challenges of the sandwich generation in Indonesia. Strengthening public service regulations has a deep role in overcoming various problems faced by the sandwich generation in the context of the Indonesian economy. Robust and effective regulations will ensure a fair and honest trajectory of public services. In this case, the regulation must organize the special needs and views of the sandwich generation, such as services that are flexible, and can be accessed easily. Realizing the optimization of public services for the sandwich generation requires full collaboration between the government and the community. It is also important to evaluate the required public service regulations in this discussion to inform deficiencies and necessary improvements. That way, strengthening public service regulations will turn into effective instruments in overcoming the challenges of the sandwich generation in the Indonesian economy, then they can contribute optimally to the state.

English Education Students’ Satisfaction with the Use of Google Meeting and Zoom: Study of Listening Ability

Background: The Covid 19 pandemic has disrupted many systems, from health, business, and education to severely restricted religious services. The current solution is to do online learning or online learning from home.

Purpose: This research aims to explore data related to student satisfaction with listening learning media facilities using the Zoom and Google Meet applications used during study-from-home activities.

Method: The descriptive quantitative method is used to capture student satisfaction. The population of this study was English undergraduate students in semesters 3, 5, and 7 of IAIN Syekh Nurjati Cirebon, Indonesia. Data was obtained from a questionnaire. There were 30 responses to a survey distributed through the Google Forms application regarding student satisfaction with listening via Zoom and Google Meet learning media

Results: The research study results show that most students are satisfied with distance learning via Zoom and google meet, 70% of respondents are satisfied, and 30% are unsatisfied. the majority of students prefer the listening learning model in class compared to listening learning using Zoom and google meet, with a percentage of 73.3%.

Conclusion: Distance learning via Zoom and Google Meet is effective and positively impacts lecturer and student communication. Besides that, it encourages them to participate more in listening classes. Urgent distance learning via Zoom and google meet makes English listening courses more engaging. Distance learning via Zoom and Google Meet helps them feel more confident when communicating with classmates and lecturers. 

Factors Influencing the Performance of Accounting Information Systems University Public Services Agency

In particular, this study aimed to determine the ability of organizational commitment and top management support to moderate the influence of factors such as: user capabilities, user workshops, formalization of IS development, IS controlling committee. Qualitative and quantitative data types from primary sources were collected by distributing questionnaires (which had met the validity and reliability tests) to 125 respondents throughout the Udayana University Public Service Board who were directly and actively involved in the implementation of SIAKU. Then the response data that has been collected is tabulated and then tested for compliance with the classical assumption test. Next, the model feasibility test and termination coefficient analysis were carried out, the research hypothesis was tested using the MRA technique. Based on the results of the MRA analysis that has been done, it can be concluded that personal capabilities and workshops / user training have a negative but not significant effect on AIS performance; organizational commitment and IS controlling committee have a positive and significant effect on AIS performance; IS development formalization and top management support has a positive but not significant effect on AIS performance; organizational commitment is able to moderate the influence of the IS controlling committee on AIS performance; organizational commitment is unable to moderate the influence of personal capabilities, workshops /training, formalization of IS development on AIS performance; top management support was not able to moderate the influence of personal capabilities, workshops /training, IS development formalization, and IS control committee on AIS performance.