Voices of Teachers and Pupils on School-Based Alcohol Abuse Preventive Strategies in Selected Schools of Lusaka, Zambia

The study explored teachers’ and pupils’ views on school-based alcohol abuse preventive strategies in selected schools of Lusaka, Zambia. The study involved 30 participants and used descriptive research design to collect data. Purposive sampling procedure were used to select teachers, pupils, head teachers, parents and mental health education officers. Focus Group Discussion were used among pupils as a ‘friendship group.’ Interview guides were used to collect data from teachers, pupils, head teachers and mental health officers. Thematic analysis was used to analyze data with major themes drawn from interviews. From the findings, it was evident that some pupils abused alcohol in school premises. The findings revealed that peer pressure, stress, ignorance, curiosity, lack of sensitization on the dangers of alcohol abuse were the main factors influencing the pupils to abuse alcohol in schools. The findings showed that sensitization and awareness were rarely conducted to prevent pupils from abusing alcohol. The study recommended inter alia that school based strategies should be more interactive and should involve plays, games, life skills training in order to contribute positively to behavioural change. Teachers, head teachers and parents should be involved in the prevention of alcohol abuse and should undergo short in-house training in alcohol prevention in schools.

Common English Written Errors Made by English Majored Sophomores at Tay Do University, Viet Nam

Writing is seen as one of the four central skills of English that contributes to the success of language learners. Hence, to improve the writing skill, English majored students have to face some difficulties in the learning process. As a result, this research titled “Common English written errors made by English majored sophomores at Tay Do University” is conducted to identify sophomores’ writing problems in English learning and to suggest ways of solving those problems. The study is conducted at Tay Do University. The research method used is the descriptive research method. A sample of 90 English language sophomores (from 3 English classes 14A, 14B, 14C) is selected using a simple random sampling procedure. They will be asked to fill in a questionnaire. The aim is to identify the problems and mistakes that students can get in English writing. The findings of the research will be analyzed to figure out some ubiquitous errors in writing related to vocabulary, grammatical structures, and background knowledge.

A Survey on Difficulties in Learning Listening Skill of English Majored Students at Tay Do University, Viet Nam

Though listening ability is one of the important skills in foreign language learning, there has been relatively little research in this specific area. The present study attempts to investigate the listening problems encountered by 50 students from Bachelor of English class at Tay Do University. In study process, questionnaire is used as an instruments to collect the data. The results of the research will point out some listening problems that students usually face in their learning process. The expected outcomes will be relevant the students in recognizing their listening problems.

The Comprehension of Verbal Passives in Najdi Arabic

The acquisition of passive constructions has been the focus of considerable theoretical and empirical interest. Passive constructions are often considered late-acquired structures, not fully acquired for at least six years. This longitudinal study provides evidence that passive sentences emerge early in Najdi Arabic, around the age of three. It argues that the acquisition of passives is readily observed when the language lacks the morphological ambiguity of passives and accurate measures are used in the test administration. This paper concludes that theories of passive acquisition must account for these issues.

The Impact of Frequency on Words’ Mental Storage: A Study on Arab Speakers of English as a Second Language

The presented study investigates the effect of frequency on the mental lexicon representation of English words. The study targets Arabic native speakers, who speak English as a second language. To test the hypothesized relation of frequency and words’ storage, a questionnaire was developed and distributed to ten Arabs speaking English as a second language. The questionnaire was designed for the participants to rate how two pairs of words, complex words and their roots, are related in meaning. The words were divided into two groups, frequent and infrequent words. The findings revealed a significant difference in the responses between the two groups of words. This difference was in favor of the frequent words, which can be used as an indicator that users’ mental lexicon stores frequent words of their second language as complex word forms, not separate morphemes.

Implementation of the Parliamentary Threshold in Elections for the People’s Representative Council of the Republic of Indonesia According to the 1945 Constitution

The implementation of a democratic parliamentary threshold in Indonesia will always grow and develop in line with the growth and development of society. General elections which are a means to realize people’s sovereignty must carry out political ideas in its implementation, so that democratic elections do not only determine who sits in parliament but represent people’s sovereignty. The problem is whether the parliamentary threshold of the people’s votes represented through political parties as participants in the 4% parliamentary threshold election can still be called people’s sovereignty. The research method used is doctrinal research, namely research that is conceptualized and developed on the basis of the doctrine espoused in concept or development. The results of the study explain that the implementation of the Parliamentary Threshold is aimed at simplifying the party system and creating a strong presidential system with effective representative institutions, and guaranteeing people’s sovereignty. Parliamentary Threshold is considered to be more effective in finding political parties that are serious about fighting for people’s aspirations.

The Status of Organization of Experience Teaching Geography in High School

In Vietnam, according to the 2018 curriculum, Geography at the high school level belongs to the group of social science subjects, providing knowledge, scientific basis, and practice on natural and economic factors of society and environment on Earth; development and distribution of geographical objects such as population, material production industries, etc. Experiential teaching is an effective method for this knowledge to form for students. The article studies the current situation of teaching Geography at some high schools in Tuyen Quang province according to experiential teaching methods. These are the basis for us to propose appropriate solutions to apply this effective teaching method widely.

Inclusive Poverty Reduction for Sustainable Development in Nigeria

This study is premised upon the fact that any poverty reduction programme that is not inclusive can not fully deliver on sustainable development. Hence, the study focus is on how poverty alleviation policies can be inclusive so as to guarantee susatainable development in Nigeria. The study appraised some of the poverty reduction programmes in Nigeria so as to assess the extent to which they are inclusive when compared with global best practice using the Chinese multi-dimensional poverty reduction model. The study revealed that the Chinese model was designed to capture various dimensions of poverty with the intention of solving them based on their uniqueness and that some poverty levels are environmentally determined. The study further revealed that the poverty reduction approaches in Nigeria cannot be said to be inclusive and sustainable. level and to suggest possible solutions in order for poverty reduction policies to bring about desired inclusivity and sustainable development in Nigeria. The study recommended that Government policy on poverty alleviation should follow a multisectoral approach where all the stakeholders are given specific roles to play and that the Government should determine how the intended beneficiaries are to be identified to ensure that the benefits reach them directly.

The Effect of Profitability, Solvency, and Liquidity on Audit Report Lag in the Period before and During the Covid 19 Pandemic

This study tries to ascertain whether the Covid 19 epidemic has an impact on audit report lag and whether profitability is proxied by ROA, liquidity is proxied by current assets, solvency is proxied by debt to equity ratio. Manufacturing firms in the pharmaceutical subsector that were listed on the IDX in 2016–2021 were used in this study. This study employed multiple linear regression techniques and descriptive statistics to evaluate the hypothesis. The study’s findings demonstrate that the Covid 19 epidemic, liquidity, and solvency all have an impact on audit report latency. Profitability, however, has no impact on the delay in an audit report.

The Relationship between eTwinning Activities and 21st Century Education and Teaching Skills

The aim of this research is to examine the relationship between eTwinning activities carried out by our teachers with the support of the European Commission and 21st century education and teaching skills. Additionally, the study aims to highlight the place and importance of 21st century skills in the education system, and to examine the sub-dimensions of these skills, as well as the characteristics and skills of teachers and students who acquire and impart these skills through activities. The research was conducted using the Descriptive (Survey) Cross-Sectional design, which is a non-experimental research method. The “Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Scale within the Scope of 21st Century Skills” was applied to 301 teachers who work in Bursa and conduct eTwinning activities. According to the results of Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Shapiro-Wilk tests, skewness and kurtosis values, and histogram graphs examined; it was determined that the pedagogical knowledge of the teachers in the age range of 46-55, the pedagogical content knowledge levels of the high school teachers, and the content knowledge levels were at an advanced level. The results also revealed that the teachers with the highest level of Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge within the scope of 21st century skills were those aged between 46-55, working as primary school teachers.