Transforming Secondary Education in Nigeria: Problems, Prospects and the Way Forward

Secondary education is the education after primary education, but before tertiary education. It improves on primary education and serves as a basis upon which tertiary education is built. Because of the sensitivity of this phase of education being given within the formative years of the child, it is deserving of special attention by all stakeholders in the sector. With the adoption of analysis of reports and articles on secondary education in Nigeria, the paper submits that secondary education in Nigeria is in dire need of transformation if it would continue to maintain its importance in both the educational and national development of the country. Findings showed that the secondary phase of education is faced with several problems which have negatively impacted on its purpose. These include poor funding, low staff motivation, poor remuneration of staff, poor quality assurance, lack of basic and requisite personnel and poor quality control. Prospects for transformation of the sub-sector include increasing funding by both state and federal governments, regular and proffer supervision of schools, ensuring capacity building of staff and adequate staff motivation.

The Influence of Job Insecurity and Job Engagement on Employee Job Performance in The Public Sector of Central Java Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In all sectors, the Covid-19 Pandemic has brought forth devastating effects. The epidemic was contained by the authorities when it first appeared in Indonesia in March 2020. Episodes of restrictions on community activities appear in various versions. Starting with Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), Transitional PSBB, and Imposition of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), to what is still in effect today, namely the Four-Level PPKM policy. This policy impacts the implementation of activities in organizations, both government and private. Various changes that have occurred as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic require adaptation to changes in the work system. Changes in the work system and the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic have had an impact on various employee behaviors. Employees of the Public Sector in the province of Central Java were the subject of this study. Public sector Central Java Province is the work unit with the most employees in Indonesia, with a total of 1,379 employees out of a total of 16,230 employees throughout Indonesia. The selection of the research locus in Central Java Province was based on Indonesia’s third-highest number of COVID-19 cases. From the data obtained by filling out the questionnaires, of the 1379 target population, 342 respondents with various sample characteristics were filled in. In this study, general characteristics included include gender, age, length of work, and education. Since the resultant SEM model does not match the data, according to the data analysis findings using PLS, we cannot interpret the model in accordance with the study framework. In order to guarantee that the model fits the data, more analysis is required.

The Principle of Legal Certainty in Settlement Bad Credit through Simple Lawsuit

One of the principles in the Civil Procedure Code is the principle of simplicity, speed and low cost. This is certainly the hope of every individual who is in court. By applying the principle of simple, fast and low-cost justice in the settlement of civil cases, it is hoped that the settlement process will not be delayed and can be completed in a short period of time, so that the costs incurred by the parties are not too high. In terms of realizing the simple, fast and low-cost principle, the Supreme Court (MA) issued Supreme Court Regulation (Perma) Number 2 of 2015 concerning Procedures for Settlement of Simple Lawsuits (Perma Simple Claims) which was stipulated on 7 August 2015 by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The issuance of the Simple Lawsuit Lawsuit is a response to the wishes of the public who need a simpler, quicker and lower cost dispute settlement procedure, especially in simple legal relations. In line with the development of time and the need to settle cases with simple lawsuits, Perma Number 2 of 2015 was subsequently amended by Supreme Court Regulation Number 4 of 2019 concerning Procedures for Settlement of Simple Claims. The principle of legal certainty in simple lawsuit procedures for debtors and creditors in credit agreements is that justice can be realized which includes elements of institutional certainty, mechanism certainty, and various predictive outputs. The application of procedural law must be flexible, not rigid and formalistic, in the interests of justice seekers who always want a simple, fast, inexpensive, thorough and final settlement of cases in accordance with the needs of today’s society in Indonesia.

Fostering National Integration in Nigeria through Quality Education

Nigerians in recent times appear to be more disconnected from one another than ever before. This has led to various forms of agitations in the form of restructuring, devolution of powers, self-determination, resource control and even insurgency, all pointing to the fact that the country is badly in need of national integration. With analysis of various literatures; this paper argues that quality education can be the panacea to the problem of national disintegration in Nigeria. National integration presupposes a situation where the various cleavages that have held the people from national consciousness like ethnicity, tribalism, religion and culture are minimized. The findings show that such measures as introduction of NYSC, Federal character, Quota system, revenue sharing formula and others have done little to ameliorate the divides, thus impeding on a progressive development for the country. The paper posits the measure of quality education as a way out. It there submits that if quality education is attained, national integration would be achieved. Recommendations therefore include, increasing annual budget for education to at least 12 percent of GDP, improving teachers’ remuneration and government honouring its agreement with various academic unions to prevent the incessant industrial actions that have continuously plagued quality education in Nigeria.

Mathematical Modelling of the Gross Domestic Product of the Philippines

Gross Domestic Product (GDP) reflects a country’s economy. The higher the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), the healthier is the economy. Th objective of this study is to determine the best fit model to forecast the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Philippines for the next five years (2022 – 2026). Using simple linear regression and multiple linear regression, the researcher found that there is significant linear relationship between the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and unemployment rate, population, household expenditure, and government expenditure. Multiple linear regression also showed that the only significant predictors are population, household expenditure, and government expenditure. By the results of graphing and using formulas available in the Microsoft excel, the researcher determined that the best fit model is sextic. This study can be considered by the government of the Philippines in making decisions in implementing policies for economic growth and stability.

Attitudes and Speeches that Lead to Divorce: Study of the Hadiths on Ila’, Li’an and Zhihar and the Relevance at the Present Time

Background: The debate about divorce has always been an exciting topic, both state law and religious law. Divorce is something a husband and wife would do better to avoid. In Islamic law, in the law of marriage, we know divorce and the law of separation, such as ila’, zhihar and li’an.

Purpose: This research aims to study these three laws of marriage (ila’, zhihar and li’an), mainly discussed from the perspective of hadith.

Methods: The method uses a qualitative approach through a literature review to explore hadith arguments and then relate them to current problems.

Results: By comparing the opinions of Ulama (Islamic scholars) with each other regarding the arguments of hadith, conclusions are then drawn. Although this problem rarely occurs in Indonesia, it is important to examine. This li’an, ila’ and zhihar problem may exist in our lives but with a slightly different shape or form than today.

Conclusion: From the results of the discussion, the authors of the paper concluded that the hadiths of ila’, zhihar and li’an are related to each other. They both discuss the problem of separation outside the rules of divorce or the prevalence of divorce rules.

Strategies Employed by Schools to Mitigate Pupil Indiscipline in Selected Secondary Schools of Choma District, Zambia

This paper is based on a study that focused on indiscipline cases among secondary school pupils of Choma District of Southern Province. The study was both qualitative and quantitative research and used a descriptive survey design with a total population of 108 sampled from six (6) secondary schools.  Using descriptive statistics of frequencies, the data was themed and coded then analyzed further. The findings of this study indicate the nature of pupil indiscipline in form of absenteeism, fighting, rudeness to teachers, reporting late, and truancy, noise making in and outside the classroom, promiscuity, and stealing among others. The prevalence of pupil indiscipline was due to many factors, these include both internal and external forces. Internal forces meant indiscipline generated within the school, and external forces involved indiscipline generated outside the school environment. According to teachers, 67% of the respondents indicated home environment as the most prominent source of indiscipline. About 42% of the teachers held that effective management of discipline does not depend on the numbers of teachers available, but on quality and consistency of application of discipline strategies such as every teacher coming on board, disciplinary committees, school rules, school councils and parental commitment The study recommends for the involvement of various stakeholders in the management of discipline in the schools such as school administrators, teachers, pupils among themselves through prefects and parents.

Factors Affecting Translators’ Choices in Rendering CSIS in Moroccan Literary Texts

The translation output is affected by a number of factors which could be both implicit or explicit. Such factors provide a variation in translation. This study aims at investigating the different factors influencing Moroccan and non-Moroccan translators’ choices. It also aims at identifying these factors. Using a qualitative approach, it was found that contextual factors which refer to the circumstances surrounding the translation act, including the purpose of the translation, the intended audience, and the medium of communication have a major role in shaping the decisions of the translators. therefore, it is recommended that translators consider these factors along with others when making choices in the translation process. Translators must understand the purpose of the translation and use appropriate language and terminology.

Women Entrepreneurs in East Africa: How Women Integration can boost Entrepreneurial Solutions to Sustainable Development. A Review of Literature

Women’s contributions to sustainable development and trade development are recognized at the national level in the East African community nation’s Frameworks for financial development and trade policy. This paper focuses on examining how women’s Integration can boost Entrepreneurial Solutions to Sustainable Development in the East African Community member states of Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Kenya, Rwanda, South Sudan, Tanzania, and Uganda. The researcher employed secondary data to conduct a thorough literature search. On how Women’s Integration can boost Entrepreneurial Solutions to Sustainable Development in the East African community context. The findings indicated that overcoming obstacles including inadequate market access, market competition, Poor business education, inadequate infrastructure, a lack of resources, a lack of access to raw materials, an unreliable electricity supply, and a lack of marketing knowledge, production restrictions, and a lack of storage space. Additionally, having few contacts outside of prejudice and class bias, lack of social acceptance, relationships with the workforce, attitudes of other workers, and society’s low opinion of women are the bigger social hurdles for them to choose entrepreneurship in the East African community Fellow Countries. As a result, the report suggests that governments of East African Community Member States improve state subsidies, create welcoming workplaces, and The East African community region as a whole needs to embrace gender and strengthen the position of women in the advancement of culture, society, politics, the economy, and technology. Member Nations should encourage gender equality and women, effective assimilation, engagement in sustainable growth at all levels, especially in the outcome; eradicate discrimination laws and customs; support efficient education awareness programs aimed at changing negative attitudes toward women, and develop or embrace new technology that will ensure the security of occupation and certified success for females.

Virtual Communities and Pandemic Management: Lessons from Covid 19 Management Strategies of the Delta State Government

The study examines the various COVID 19 management strategies of the Delta State Government to reveal its extent of usage of virtual communities as a platform for fighting COVID 19 pandemic, and assess the effectiveness. The study relied on the agenda setting theory and adopted a survey from an indeterminate population of virtual communities in Delta State. Emanating data was analysed with mean scores. Findings show that the Delta State Government made use of various virtual communities in her bid to mitigate the spread of the COVID 19 pandemic. These virtual communities proved themselves effective in the management of the COVID 19 pandemic. It is recommended that the government should encourage the establishment of media centres by health institutions, and individuals are actively encouraged to engage in the usage of virtual communities for development.