Effect of Metacognitive Instructional Strategy Using PEEDA on Biology Students Achievement in Delta State

The purpose of this research was to determine whether and how a metacognitive educational technique based on PEDDA (Prior knowledge, Exploration, Discussion, Dissatisfaction, and Application) will improve the performance of secondary school biology students in Delta State. The investigation was guided by three hypotheses and three research questions. The research used a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent pre-post test and control group setup. Students from the public secondary schools in the three (3) senatorial districts of Delta State were included in the research. A total of 30,813 SS II biology students and 436 overall participated. This research employed a sample of 300 SS II biology students and six biology professors from six different high schools in Delta State. Data was gathered using the researcher’s primary instrument, the Meta-Cognitive Biology Achievement Test (MBAT). Students in the experimental group were taught the biology concepts of “pollution,” “exploration of the different types of pollution,” “discussion on the causes of pollution as well as the effects of pollution,” “dissatisfaction with the experience,” and “application of the control measures for pollution” using a metacognitive instructional strategy, while students in the control group were taught using the lecture method. Statistical methods such as analysis of variance (ANOVA), analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), and mean and standard deviation (SEM) were used to compile and interpret the results (ANCOVA). It was shown that the metacognitive approach to teaching was more effective than the traditional lecture format. Furthermore, the research indicated that while using the metacognitive teaching technique, there was no statistically significant difference in the mean accomplishment scores of male and female students (PEDDA). The study’s results led to many recommendations, including the adoption of metacognitive teaching tactics by secondary school biology instructors to increase student engagement.

Public Perceptions of Media Role in Electoral Reforms in Nigeria

The paper examined public perception of media role in electoral reforms in Nigeria. Electoral reform is a crucial step for a free and fair election.  The research’s main goal was to find out how people in Nigeria think the media should play a part in the country’s continual efforts to modernize its voting system. The corresponding literature has been examined. The data was gathered by means of a questionnaire. There were a total of 384 questionnaires sent out to voters. The results of the findings showed that the public had high level of perception of media role in electoral reforms in Nigeria. This is because, the general belief is that media content on electoral reforms had not only engendered high interest in political matters among the general public, but had largely spurred calls for electoral reforms in Nigeria. The result also showed that the media give attention to issues of electoral reforms; this made the public have high level perception on the contributions of the media to electoral reforms in Nigeria. However, to preserve the present perception of media contents on electoral reforms by the populace, media practitioners and regulators must continuously ensure that media content and reportage must be done regularly, objectively and with high level of credibility.

Role of Religion towards National Development: An Exploration into the Causes and Effects of Muslim-Christian Conflicts and Intolerance in Some Selected Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria: 2011-2021

Throughout history, religion has been abused and misunderstood. Some people use it as a means of exploitation and suppression. Others used it as a pretext for prejudice and persecution. While some people used religion as a source of power and domination. In the name of religion, unjustifiable wars have been launched; freedom of thought and conscience has been oppressed. Science has been persecuted, the right of individual to maturity has been denied, and man’s dignity and honour have been flagrantly debased. Similarly, injustice and oppression have been inflicted upon humanity all in the name of religion which in essence suffered many losses. Nevertheless, religion as an institution that relates man to his creator is said to have performs variety of functions. The first function is on individual as it affects social behavior. And secondly, religion interacts and influences the other factors of social institutions in the society such as polity, economy, education and so forth. It is on the basis of this, sociologists, anthropologist and other stakeholders in peace and conflict resolutions dwell much on the role religion performs in maintenance of peaceful and harmonious co-existence in the society. Be it as it may, this research work intends to make an exploration into the Causes and Effects of Intolerance and Conflicts between Muslims and Christians in some selected Local Government Areas of Kaduna State, Nigeria.

Manuscript Analysis of Children’s Language Skills and Number Concepts through Technology in the Digital Era

Language is one of the elements behind the development of aspects of development that occur in early childhood, as well as a tool or means to communicate with other people and the environment. To develop and stimulate children’s language development, they can carry out activities such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing, as well as saying and counting number symbols with digital-era devices. This study aims to describe language skills and recognize the concept of numbers in early childhood through technology. This research method is a literature study or review with a qualitative approach that collects data or is based on scientific writing, combining research with existing literature to solve problems. Collecting library data includes reading, storing, and managing research and concluding research materials. The research results show that developing language skills and recognizing numbers in early childhood requires activities such as listening, speaking, reading and writing, calling and counting number symbols through technology.

Determinants of Management Control in Banks: Case of the Souss-Massa Regional Banks

In recent years, the banking sector has experienced a strong evolution and perfect competition in the direction of the birth of innovative services. As a result, banks must use management tools that contribute to the conduct of change, a permanent monitoring of the strong evolution of the environment and the current trends in the various sectors including the banking sector. The banking activity is also characterized by the involvement of specific management tools and the need for a daily monitoring of performance. It is in this context that our article will address the following issues: What are the factors that require the bank to implement a management control system? To do this, a qualitative study using interview guides semi-directive is conducted within conventional banks in the region Souss-Massa.

The Determinant Factors of Stock Prices of Manufacturing Companies Listed on the IDX

This study examines determinant factors of stock prices of manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) from 2014 to 2020. The determinant factors are Economic Value Added (EVA), Market Value Added (MVA), and Earnings Per Share (EPS). The population of this study was 132 companies, and nine companies met the criteria as research samples. The sample selection method in this study used purposive sampling, using secondary data obtained from the official website of the Indonesia Stock Exchange. The data were analyzed using Multiple Linear Regression analysis, the Classical Assumption Test, and the Coefficient of Determination. The results showed: (1) EVA, MVA, and EPS simultaneously have a significant effect on the company’s stock price; (2) EVA and EPS partially have a positive effect on the company’s stock price; and (3) MVA does not partially affect the company’s stock price. The results of this study provide recommendations for investors to consider the company’s EVA and EPS values ​​in making stock investment decisions.

Reasoning Fiqh Generation Z in Indonesia

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze in depth the fiqh reasoning of generation Z in Indonesia. The focus of this research is the phenomenon of Generation Z in searching for arguments online for their increasingly complex and new life problems. The formulation of the problem in this study is as follows; (1) why did the process of shifting from offline fiqh reasoning to online fiqh reasoning occur in Generation Z?, (2) what is the typology of online fiqh material in Generation Z?, (3) how is the process of filtering fiqh material online in Generation Z?, and (4) what is the trend of online fiqh in Generation Z? This research method uses a qualitative approach with a multi-site study type of research. The data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation of Generation Z who were at MA “Matholi’ul Anwar” Lamongan and SMAN 2 Lamongan who did not take part in the boarding school program at their institutions. The research findings show that; (1) the shift from offline fiqh reasoning to online fiqh reasoning occurs because Generation Z are digital natives or native speakers of digital technology so they prefer using the internet in finding answers and understanding fiqh rather than reading and asking questions to teachers for reasons of more privacy, effectiveness and efficiency , (2) the typology of online fiqh material that they access, there are two typological groups, namely the conservative typology group and the moderate typology group, (3) the filtration carried out by Generation Z in exploring, studying, and understanding fiqh material online can be grouped into two groups, namely the those who did not filter and those who filtered, (4) the tendency of online fiqh material to be the choice of Generation Z found that there were five main rankings of online fiqh material chosen by Generation Z. The five rankings of fiqh material were: the first rank covered the theme of worship; the second rank covers the theme of jihad; the third rank includes political themes in Islam; the fourth rank includes the theme of zakat, alms, and pilgrimage; and the fifth rank includes the theme of the relationship between men and women in Islam.

Marketing Mix Strategy in Increasing Public Interest in the Field of Education

This study aims to analyze and describe in depth 1) Product in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 2) Price in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 3) Place in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 4) Promotion in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis starts from data conditioning, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. Data were analyzed from single case and cross case data. The results of the study show 1) Product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes academic competence (guaranteed passing of madrasa exams and national exams), and Islamic boarding schools competence. 2) Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field includes affordable financing, cross subsidies and scholarships. 3) Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes the location of madrasas within Islamic boarding schools. 4) Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes direct promotion from the guardians of students and students, electronic print media and social media. 5) Institutional performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is an institution accredited A, magnificent buildings and complete facilities, performance of financial administration services that are friendly, accountable and fast, performance of food and drink services that are timely, nutritious, healthy, varied, and sufficient, the performance of clean and sufficient MCK services, the performance of security and comfort services, teachers and supervisors are parents of students. 6) Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is istighosah, other aurotans and spiritual teachers.

Character Education Management in Improving Madrasah Quality

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze in depth the management of character education in improving the quality of madrasas at MTsN 6 Jombang and MTsN 2 Kediri, two institutions that have both won national awards in the field of character education. As for the details, this study describes and analyzes in depth about a) character education management planning in improving the quality of madrasas, b) implementation of character education management in improving the quality of madrasas, c) evaluation of character education management in improving the quality of madrasas. This research uses a qualitative approach with a multi-site study type. Sources of informant data, events, locations and documents both primary and secondary. Data collection techniques with participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis used Huberman’s interactive data analysis technique. While checking the validity of the data is done through peer discussions, triangulation of data sources and triangulation of methods. The findings of this study are; 1) planning for improving the quality of madrasah is a process of determining strategic targets and programs in improving the quality of madrasah based on character education; 2) implementation of madrasah quality improvement management is an act of learning and habituation of curriculum-based characters, extra programs and madrasah programs; 3) evaluation using the achievement indicator approach of the madrasah vision and mission. The research results support Terry’s opinion about the management function, Sallis’ opinion that the quality improvement steps are identification of customer needs, product development with special features and system development. Also Sallis’s opinion that quality madrasas are madrasas that have high moral/character values, excellent exam results, and concern and concern for students. The results of the study offer the concept of madrasah programs, such as child-friendly madrasa programs, literacy madrasas, adiwiyata madrasah and  madrasah as character education approaches in improving the quality of madrasah.

Asset Management Based on Wealth Management in an Effort to Increase Funding for Islamic Boarding School Education

The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze in depth about asset management based on walth management in an effort to increase the educational financing of Hidayatullah Pule Trenggalek and Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek Islamic boarding schools. The formulation of the problem that was explored in depth included 1) wealth management-based asset planning in increasing the ability to finance education at the Hidayatullah Pule Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School and Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School2. ) implementing wealth management-based asset management in increasing the ability to finance education at the Hidayatullah Pule Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School and Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School 3) wealth management-based asset supervision in increasing the ability to finance education at the Hidayatullah Pule Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School and Qomarul Hidayah Trenggalek Islamic Boarding School. The research approach uses qualitative methods. Data collection techniques using participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. The data analysis techniques used were 1) single case data analysis, 2) cross-site analysis. The results of the research that has been carried out show that: 1) Planning for asset management in Islamic boarding schools is the formulation of plans for land acquisition, development of educational lines and business units, participation of pesantren residents and treatment of student savings and payments; 2) Implementation of asset management is carried out by adding land, establishing new lines of education, business units, treating student savings as capital, or cooperating with conventional banks; 3) Supervision is carried out at the business unit level with material focusing on the development and contribution of Islamic boarding schools. The research findings reinforce Gill’s opinion that assets are cash, merchandise, land, buildings, and equipment or the like of value. Strengthening Mulyasa’s opinion that institutions must have creative and dynamic fund management in line with the needs of developments that occur in society and the environment and think strategically in order to make the allocation of existing resources more effective in achieving goals.