The Effect of Digital Marketing Implementation on Brand Loyalty Was Moderated by Buying Interest: Study on Coffee Shop Business

During the era of digital technology, the implementation of digital marketing is considered the right
innovation in understanding consumer behaviour and forming brand loyalty. This study aims to
analyse the effect of digital marketing implementation on brand loyalty moderated by buying interest
in the coffee shop business. The study was conducted in the Greater Jakarta area including 136 coffee
shops. The research sample amounted to 154 people determined by convenience sampling. The data
collection method used a closed questionnaire with a Likert scale of 1-5. Questionnaires were
distributed to respondents electronically via Google Forms. The research questionnaire has passed
the validity and reliability tests. Data analysis using the Structural Equation Modeling method
assisted by Partial Least Square (SEM PLS) software version 3.0. The results showed the effect of
digital marketing implementation on brand loyalty was moderate and significant, while the effect on
buying interest was weak and significant. While the influence of buying interest on brand loyalty is
also weak. Another research finding is that the relationship between digital marketing
implementation with purchase intention and brand loyalty is positive.

Extent of Influential Factors: Client Relations, Physical Plant and Facilities, And Amenities Affecting the Buyer’s Decision to Patronize a Veterinary Product or Service

The study aims to determine the competitive advantage of veterinary entrepreneurs in Dumaguete
City. The scope of the study is based on the client’s profile that visits a Veterinary Entrepreneur. The
study sought the demographic profile of the clients, extent of the price affecting the buying decision
of the clients, factors affecting the clients’ decision in patronizing a veterinary product such as
customer relations, physical plant and facilities, amenities, and significant relationship between the
average price and sales. This study is a quantitative research, using a structured questionnaire to
collect the data from 100 clients who have been seeking help from a veterinary entrepreneur. The
researcher analyzed the data using percentages, frequencies, means, standard deviation, and
Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient to test hypothesis and answer the research questions. The
study finds that majority of the respondents are young adults, female, college graduates, and are
employed. Majority of the clients strongly agree that the expertise of the veterinarian, courtesy of
the veterinarian, cleanliness of the clinic, and ease of access to the clinic affect their buying decision
in patronizing a veterinarian’s product and services. The relationship between the price and average
sales per week illustrates a slight or low correlation, implying that while price may be important, it
is the quality of the service that the clients are interested in. Except for prices and parking lot, clients
find the performance of vet clinic to be excellent.

Effect of Gambling on the Academic Performance of Secondary School Students in Educational District V of Lagos State, Nigeria

Effective curriculum implementation can be challenging in an environment where other factors are
competing for the learner’s attention, one of such factors is gambling. The purpose of this study is to
examine the effect of gambling on the academic performance of secondary school students in
educational district V of Lagos state, Nigeria. One research question and one hypothesis were raised
to guide the study. The null hypothesis was rejected and the alternate hypothesis which says that there
is significant relationship between gambling, student motivation and their academic performance
among secondary school students in educational district V of Lagos State, Nigeria (F(7, 386) = 7.129, p <
0.05). Based on the findings, the study recommended that State and Civil Society can help to curb and
instill measure to reduce the rate of student participation.

Generative versus Cognitive Approaches to Grammar

Despite the differences they hold, the generative and the cognitive approaches to grammar aim to
describe “speaker knowledge” (Hamawand, 2020, p. 51). Indeed, the cognitive view, where
studying semantics (i.e. meaning) and cognitive approaches to grammar (i.e. grammar) are
“complementary” and not independent areas of research (Evans & Green, 2006, p. 49); is contrary
to the formal (generative) view where the study of the aspects of the grammatical structure of a
language is independent of meaning. In fact, “the cognitive approach to grammar originally grew
out of a reaction against the generative approach and defined itself explicitly against that tradition”
(2006: 742). Building on that premise, this article is devoted to explaining the main differences
between generative/ formal and cognitive approaches to grammar.

Effect of Self-Instructional Training on the Reflective Thinking of Impulsive Children in Middle Basic Schools in Ilorin, Nigeria

Children are uniquely vulnerable to poor impulse control. This can therefore develop into a
behavioural problem and prevent them from fulfilling their potentials as they transit from childhood
to adulthood. This study therefore investigated the effect of self-instructional training on the
reflective thinking of impulsive children in middle basic schools in Ilorin, Nigeria. The study
adopted quasi-experimental design. The study sample comprised of 103 middle basic school pupils
in Ilorin, Nigeria. In sampling the research participants, National Institute for Children’s Healthcare
Quality -Vanderbilt Assessment Scale- Teacher Informant (NICHQ-VAS-TI) were given to class
teachers to assess pupils with impulsivity. The research participants were tested before and after
training with Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFFT). Training Package with Self-instructional
Statement (TPSS) developed by Orjales (2007) was adopted to train children with impulsivity.
Percentage was used to describe the demographic characteristics of the participants, while t-test was
used to test the formulated hypotheses. This study observed significant effect of Self-instructional
Training on the reflective thinking of impulsive children in middle basic schools in Ilorin, Nigeria.
Also, there was no significant gender difference in the effect of Self-instructional Training on the
reflective thinking of impulsive children in middle basic schools in Ilorin, Nigeria.

Assessment on the Bachelor of Physical Education Program Curriculum Based on the 1st Plenary Dialogue by the Physical Education Department at a Local College

This present study aims to solicit recommendations from selected Physical Education professionals
and experts based on their assessment on the Bachelor of Physical Education program curriculum
offered by City College of Angeles. The said assessment was performed after the 1st plenary
dialogue organized by the Physical Education Department of the Institute of Education, Arts and
Sciences via Zoom Meetings. The said review was performed by various stakeholders who were
invited on the said academic conference. This present study utilized a rubric and analyzed the data
quantitatively. Mean and Standard Deviation were used to describe each category of the adapted
questionnaire. Results findings for this study and recommendation for the improvement of the
program curriculum is hereby presented. Revisitation of the prospectus is highly recommended to
fully maximize the potential of the enhanced curriculum.

Economic Empowerment of the Poor: Myths and Facts about Microfinance Institutions in Africa

Poverty remains a stubborn menace that has defied time the world over, with the relatively less
developed economies suffering its brunt the most. Consequently, various stakeholders have explored
and implemented all possible strategies to alleviate poverty. It is no wonder, therefore, that the
prospect of microfinance solving this challenge led to aggressive embracing of microcredit by both
local communities and other stakeholders alike. Through microfinance, stakeholders anticipated that
affordable access to finance for the marginalized populations would see them start up or expand their
businesses, hire more labor, grow family incomes and improve their living standards. Moreover, it
was assumed that the business owners and their communities would cross over the poverty line and
ultimately microfinance would alleviate poverty from the communities and empower them
economically. However, microfinance is now proving to be yet another mirage in the elusive journey
towards a poverty free world. Almost two decades since the United Nation’s declaration of the year
2005 as the International Year of microfinance, it is an opportune time to take stock of the impact of
microfinance; what has worked well, what needs tweaking and what needs to be decelerated for the
desired outcome to be achieved. The study used a desktop design where secondary data was reviewed
extensively. There were mix findings where there was evidence that there were facts about
microfinance institutions alleviating poverty and empowering the poor in Africa. However, there
were also myths about microfinance institutions where the lenders were taking advantage of the poor
and exploiting them through predatory lending, thus making the poor even poorer and with debts;
thus, demonstrating that microfinance has been shrouded by myths rather than facts. Therefore, there
is need for civic education and entrepreneurial education on microfinance. Additionally,
governments should initiate clear regulations in order to protect the very poor Africa citizens. Future
research should incorporate primary data to corroborate findings of this study

Laduni Science According to Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali’s Thoughts

This research is motivated by an assumption in the community, especially among Islamic boarding
schools, that laduni is a science that is imported directly without any prior process. It has become a
common assumption when laduni science is associated with supernatural, mystical, superstitious
things and a person’s ability to do something beyond reason or, more popularly, with the term
“yukhariq al-‘adah.” This research is devoted to the thoughts of Muhammad Lutfi Ghozali. As an
observer, expert, and practitioner of Sufism, he has a different understanding from the views of other
Muslim scientists in terms of laduni science. He considers that laduni is the science of direct giving
or knowledge inherited by the person who first got it from his heir. According to him, everyone can
get it as long as they want to build because they get it, namely grace before knowledge, the results of
taqwa, nubuwwah, or walayah, and inherited knowledge. The benefits of this research are divided
into two, namely theoretical and practical. Theoretically, this research is expected to contribute to the
development of the treasures of Sufism, especially those related to laduni science, how to obtain it
and understood by Luthfi Ghozali as the caliph of the earth. Practically, this research is helpful for
academics as a reference, material for Sufism and Islamic studies majors as a reference in curriculum
development and the field of study of concentration, as well as reflection for Sufism practitioners in
their spiritual odyssey, as well as a foothold for researchers to conduct further research. This research
is library research, which focuses on efforts to explore and conduct an in-depth study of books and
literature. The data collection methods used are documentation and interviews, while the researchers’
data analysis is content analysis. The findings of this study are: 1) Laduni science, according to
Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali, is the science of giving or inheriting directly from the heirs who first
received an inheritance from their predecessors, in the form of spontaneous inspiration that radiates
from the heart and then radiates out again in the form of behavior, both words, and deeds. Through
reason and thought. 2) Laduni science can be obtained by the building because it is obtained from
laduni knowledge, namely grace before knowledge, the fruit of piety, the process of nubuwwah or
walayah, and inherited knowledge.

Exploring the Fundraising Role in the Value Creation Process of Public Universities

Literature about fundraising in the higher education context is quite rich and investigates the topic
from several perspectives, but, unfortunately, it has not given enough importance to the relationship
between the fundraising tools, chosen by the university to get funds, and objectives, in terms of output
and outcome, that they want to support by those fundraising means. The aim of this study is to
understand if there is a relationship between fundraising characteristics and university’s output and
outcome, in terms of three university’s function. Results refer to the alternative fundraising tools’
dissemination and features throughout the Italian public universities. The fundraising tools’ features
are considered in relation to their effect on university’s output and outcome, always considering the
university’s functions. In order to reach the research objectives, a questionnaire was sent to a group
of universities and, then, some university’s fundraisers were interviews. Besides, the data gathered
have been processed and analyzed considering the grounded theory. Results allows to better
understand the fundraising phenomenon within the Italian public higher education context

Proposed Strategies for Improving the Performance of Conflict Management Committees (CMCs) in the Management of Electoral Conflicts in Zambia

The purpose of this study was to proposed strategies of improving the performance of CMCs in the
management of electoral conflicts in Zambia. This study employed a qualitative descriptive research
design. A purposive sampling technique was used which targeted twelve key electoral stakeholders.
Data was collected using interviews and observations. Data was analysed using inductive thematic
analysis because emerging themes were strongly linked to data. The main findings were that there was
need to introduce electoral fast track courts, increasing educational awareness activities on electoral
conflict, increasing access to CMCs and importantly, strengthen the legal mandate. Based on the
findings, the study recommends to ECZ to attach a legal framework to the mandate of the CMCs and
to make wider consultations on the best way to resolve electoral conflicts. There is need in future to
assess the measures individual political parties have put in place to address electoral violence.