Development of E-Modin Persuasive Texts with Love the Environment Content for Grade VIII Students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung

The purpose of this study was to compose e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for grade VIII students of junior high school. The specific purpose of this research is to examine to obtain objective descriptions and explanations about the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung integrated with verse al- the Qur’an and the hadith of the Prophet, so that besides achieving KD in persuasive text learning, students also have understanding, attitudes, and positive behavior in protecting the environment. The development procedure in this study is an adaptation of the development procedure (Borg & Gall, 1989). The steps are (1) information gathering, (2) planning, (3) product development, (4) product trials, (5) product revisions. The subjects of this study were learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The data collection instrument was in the form of assessment sheets which were assessed by learning design experts, material/content experts, language experts, media experts, users (teachers), and users (students). The results of this study are to examine the needs of e-modin, the process of developing e-modin products, and the appropriateness of e-modin persuasive texts with love for the environment for class VIII students of SMPI Al Fattahiyyah Tulungagung. The trial results showed that, first, namely the assessment of learning design experts, the results of the assessment were 92% in the “very feasible” category. The second, namely the assessment of material/content experts, obtained an assessment result of 94% in the “very feasible” category. The third, namely the assessment of linguists, obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. The four assessments of media experts obtained an assessment result of 92% in the “very decent” category. Apart from being assessed by experts, the product was also assessed by users, both teachers and students. The assessment carried out by teacher users is divided into three aspects, namely material/content aspects, linguistic aspects, and media aspects. The assessment of the material/content aspect obtained a result of 94% in the “very decent” category. Assessment of linguistic aspects obtained results of 93% in the “very decent” category. While the media aspect assessment obtained results of 98% in the “very decent” category. Next, the assessment of student users obtained an assessment result of 95% in the “very decent” category. With this acquisition, it can be categorized that e-modin persuasive text products with love for the environment content for Grade VIII students of junior high school are very appropriate to use in the learning process.