Development of Infographic Based Biographical Text Teaching Materials with QR Code Assistance for Class X SMA Students

Indonesian language learning at SMA Negeri 1 Blitar for biographical text material has not been carried out well due to the use of teaching materials that have not been varied. Teaching materials for biographical text material need to be developed to support the implementation of learning activities. The development of biographical text teaching materials based on infographics with the help of QR codes for class The aim of this research is to (1) describe the needs analysis, (2) describe the development process, and (3) describe the feasibility of product development for infographic teaching materials assisted by QR code biographical text material for class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Blitar.  This teaching material was developed based on the Borg & Gall development model which consists of three stages, namely 1) needs analysis as a preliminary study, 2) product development, and 3) feasibility test of the final product. The validity of the product being developed can be determined through material expert validation and media expert validation activities. The validation results show that the biographical text teaching material product based on QR code-assisted infographics for class X students at SMA Negeri 1 Blitar is very suitable for use in the learning process.

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