Development of Interactive Poetry Writing Teaching Materials with Smart Themed Differentiated Learning Design in Class X SMA Brawijaya Smart School

Indonesian language and literature learning currently has many learning resources, but interactive learning resources that suit the needs of teachers and students are still rarely found. Existing learning resources are usually presented in full in textbooks. The learning material is presented in accordance with the basic competencies listed in the curriculum so that it looks less attractive to students. The aim of this research is to develop interactive poetry writing teaching materials with a SMART-themed differentiation learning design for class X SMA Brawijaya Smart School students. It is hoped that the development of teaching materials will help learning to write poetry. Development research steps include needs analysis, product development, conducting small group trials according to the setting in which the product is used, and revising the results of product trials. This research uses a development procedure adapted from the Borg & Gall development model which produces 7 steps, namely (1) information collection, (2) planning, (3) product draft development, (4) product validation, (5) feasibility testing, ( 6) product revision, and (7) final product. In this research, the data collection techniques used were through interview guides, validation sheets, and student questionnaires. The data analysis carried out involved descriptive analysis techniques, both qualitative and quantitative. The results of the development process have several main menus that can help students, such as homepage, introduction, learning objectives, materials, learning videos, and evaluation. Based on the results of the assessment, validation by content and language experts is included in the very appropriate/valid criteria, namely 97.2% and 95.8%. Likewise, the validation of learning and media design experts is included in the very feasible/valid criteria, namely 95.8% and 93.7%. The assessment of the student questionnaire also includes very appropriate/valid criteria, namely student characteristics of 81.3% and level of understanding of material regarding procedural texts of 83.7%. The results from the teacher questionnaire were assessed with very appropriate/valid criteria, namely the effectiveness and efficiency of teaching materials was 93.75%, the systematics of teaching materials was 87.5%, the language was 100%, and the appearance of teaching materials was 88.8%. The conclusion of this research is that the development of interactive poetry writing teaching materials with a SMART-themed differentiation learning design in class X SMA Brawijaya Smart School is very suitable/valid for use in the learning process. Suggestions for future research are to conduct in-depth trials on the effectiveness of web-based teaching material products with differentiated learning designs and disseminate web-based teaching material products with differentiated learning designs in schools that have the same characteristics.

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