Development of Poetry Writing Textbooks in Indonesian Language Subjects for Junior High School Students

This research includes research and development (Research and Development), which aims to describe the development of poetry writing textbooks in Indonesian subjects for junior high school students. The subjects in this study were students and class teachers at VIII SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Dau Malang. The development model used in this study is the R2D2 development model (Recursive, Reflective Design and Development model), which consists of three stages: (1) defining, (2) designing and developing, and (3) disseminating. The development of poetry writing textbooks on Indonesian subjects has gone through a trial process consisting of individual trials, small group trials, and class trials. Textbooks for writing poetry on Indonesian subjects developed have been validated by validators and have undergone revisions so as to get very feasible and practical results for use in learning. The development of poetry writing textbooks in Indonesian subjects consists of (1) covers, (2) book usage guidelines, (3) Pancasila student strengthening profiles (P4), (4) activities, (5) literacy skills, (6) new vocabulary, (7) perception, (8) material, (9) audio features, (10) video features, (11) game features, (12) diagnostic assessment features, (13) diversity of question forms, (14) hots questions, and (15) enrichment features. The fifteen points developed have met the criteria and have a very valid level, so they are very feasible and practical to use in the Indonesian learning process.