Embracing Islamic Values in Governance: Reflecting the Concept of ‘Madani’ In the Holy Qur’an

Malaysia Madani, a slogan introduced by the current Malaysian Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on January 19th, 2023, aimed at leading the country headlong by promoting the values of Sustainability, Prosperity, Innovation, Respect, Trust, and Care and Compassion. These principles resemble the shared-trust-relationship between the government and citizens; the government projects its transparency, honesty, and compassionate in conveying messages to its citizens while the people on the ground set the image of current government as dialogic, sustainable, and entrusted. Notably, these values embraced are adhered to the Islamic values of governance. The Holy Qur’an, the primary Islamic jurisprudence (Shari’ah) offers great emphasis on the humanistic relationship and ways of enhancing them which eventually the concept of MADANI reflects. Malaysia, a multicultural country embraces a variety set of values and life philosophy demands its government-citizen relationship to always keep the values of justice and benevolence.  Such perception and expectation are very significant to both as this will further empower the political ideologies of the ruling party, hence, the hegemonic position establishes.