Emotional Intelligence of Madrasah Principals in Improving Teacher Performance (Multi Site Study at MTsN Pacitan and MTs Ma’Arif Pacitan)

This study aims to describe in depth about 1) Madrasah Principal’s self-awareness in improving teacher performance at MTsN Pacitan and MTs Ma’Arif Pacitan 2) Madrasah Principal’s self-management in improving teacher performance at MTsN Pacitan and MTs Ma’Arif Pacitan 3) Principal Empathy Madrasas in improving teacher performance at MTsN Pacitan and MTs Ma’Arif Pacitan 4) Social skills of Madrasah Principals in improving teacher performance at MTsN Pacitan and MTs Ma’Arif Pacitan 5) Motivation of Madrasah Principals in improving teacher performance at MTsN Pacitan and MTs Ma’Arif Pacitan. This study uses a qualitative approach with a multi-site study design. Data collection was carried out using in-depth interview techniques, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques use data condensation, data presentation and conclusion. While checking the validity of the data using credibility, dependability, transferability, and confirmability techniques. The results of this study indicate that: (1) the self-awareness of the madrasa principal shows a good personal approach, facing problems calmly, and being responsible. (2) madrasa head self-management with patience, controlling emotions, reducing conflict and understanding each other. (3) empathy for the head of the madrasah with a harmonious relationship, fast response, mutual cooperation, providing solutions and providing a comfort zone to the teacher. (4) social skills are demonstrated by good communication, understanding feelings, deliberation in making decisions and good interactions. (5) the motivation of the madrasa head is shown by supervision activities, motivating with words via whatsapp, appreciation for achievers, holding teacher competitions, and giving jokes.