Exploring Online Education in South African Correctional Centres: Perspectives from ODEL students

Higher education in Southern Africa is in an era that has transcended the traditional boundaries of space and time.  This chapter aims to explore the experiences and difficulties of officials and incarcerated offenders in South African correctional facilities, who are taking online classes in Open Distance Electronic Learning (ODEL) institutions like the University of South Africa (UNISA).

This chapter employed a qualitative desktop research method which involves analysing secondary data that includes previously published academic articles, media reports, and policies from the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and the Department of Correctional Services (DCS).

The main findings demonstrate the considerable obstacles faced by institutionalized ODEL learning. The major themes of student challenges include 1. Limited Access to Computers and the Internet (for safety concerns). 2. Low levels of Digital Literacy. 3. Insufficient Individualised Student Support, and conversely, 4. Recognition of Online Learning Benefits. The significance of the study is that it offers valuable insight for shaping and promoting more inclusive student support strategies by attending to the diverse needs of students in non-traditional learning environments. The study also highlights how crucial it is to create digital literacy initiatives and expand access to technology infrastructure to guarantee that all students succeed in online learning in the Southern Africa region.