Implementation of Quality Improvement Strategies of Islamic Education Institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik Indonesia

Islamic education institutions are currently still working to improve quality. Quality improvement is based on two factors: the quality standards set by the government and the quality standards desired by the community.

Efforts to improve quality are carried out in various ways, one of which is by implementing strategies to improve the quality of educational institutions. This study seeks to analyze and find the implementation of quality improvement strategies for Islamic education institutions at SMP Islamic Qon Gresik. This research uses a qualitative approach, data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses the Miles Huberman model, data condensation, data presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing.

Data were analyzed from single site data. Test the validity of the data through credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. This study’s results indicate that the strategy’s implementation is carried out according to the strategy that has been formulated. Implementing programs that constitute a strategy is following the policies set. These policies include implementation techniques, rules, and regulations.