Implementation of Strategic Management of Islamic Boarding School-Based Character Education at Mambaus Sholihin High School in Blitar Indonesia

This research is motivated by character education which has a very important role in producing the nation’s generation because the nature of character education is aimed at creating comprehensively intelligent, competitive and dignified human resources. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the implementation of pesantren-based character education at Mambaus Sholihin High School in Blitar.

This research uses a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques used include in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentation studies. The data analysis techniques used are data condensation, data presentation (display), and conclusion drawing (verification). Data validity checking is based on the criteria of credibility, transfer-ability, dependability and confirmation.

The results of this research are The implementation of Islamic boarding school-based character education is carried out by: a) integrating the content of the Islamic boarding school curriculum into the school curriculum, especially in the aspect of instilling character education values; b) developing students’ talents and interests through extracurricular activities, both religious, sports, skills, and organizational; c) forming and developing the main character of students through habituation of religious and manners activities and enforcing school/madrasah rules with a point system; d) through habituation of riyadhoh, which is an practice that aims to train the spiritual or inner dimensions of students, including through practice: prayer/wirid, dhikr, qiyamul lail, Monday to Thursday fasting, ratibul haddad, sholawat al-Barzanji, and maqbarah pilgrimage.