Initiation of a Rural Edutourism Destination in Bali Indonesia based on SWOT Analysis

This study examines the potential, initiation, and subsequent development of edutourism in a rural destination located in Bali, Indonesia. It aims to combine the findings from previous studies on the area’s tourism potentials with primary research conducted by the authors, then to analyze the current state of supporting components for community-based edutourism initiation and development in the village. The study utilizes SWOT analysis, Internal Factor Analysis Summary (IFAS) and External Factor Analysis Summary (EFAS) matrices, and  IFAS-EFAS Strategy Coordinate from data collected. The analysis found that the rural destination has the potential to be further developed into an edutourism destination, with coffee plantation/production, processing of herbal plants, and unique cultural mix as the main attractions for educational tourism that involve experiential learning and participative activities. Aggressive strategy was determined to be the recommended path moving forward for the development of community-based edutourism in this rural destination