Islamic Boarding School Innovation to Improve Madrasah Competitiveness (Multi Case Studies at MTsN 2 City of Kediri and MTsN 2 Kediri)

This study aims to find answers to three fundamental questions; 1) How is the madrasah pesantren innovation program in increasing the competitiveness of madrasas in MTsN 2 Kediri Regency and MTsN 2 Kota Kediri?; 2) How is the implementation of Islamic boarding school innovations in increasing the competitiveness of madrasas in MTsN 2 Kediri Regency and MTsN 2 Kediri City?; 3) How do you evaluate the innovation of madrasah boarding schools in increasing the competitiveness of madrasas at MTsN 2, Kediri Regency and MTsN 2, Kediri City? This study uses a multi-case qualitative approach at MTsN 2 Kediri Regency and MTsN 2 Kediri City. Sources of data come from informants, events, locations and both primary and secondary documents. Data collection techniques with participant observation, in-depth interviews and documentation. Data analysis used Huberman’s interactive data analysis technique. While checking the validity of the data is done through peer discussions, triangulation of data sources and triangulation of methods. Research result; 1) The innovation program is the formulation of policies for the establishment of Islamic boarding schools, setting goals and formulating programs for the realization of Islamic boarding schools; 2) Implementation of Islamic boarding school innovations is the establishment and management of madrasah boarding schools according to the system adopted; 3) An evaluation of the innovations of madrasah boarding schools is carried out by madrasa managers, pesantren managers and guardians of students to obtain information related to the implementation, results and expectations of madrasah pesantren managers and users. The results of the research reinforce Rogers and Milles’ concept that madrasah pesantren innovation is pursued through planning, adoption, implementation and evaluation. Reinforcing Kenedy’s findings, that the ideal innovation in madrasah Islamic boarding schools is implementing a combined strategy of Power Coercive, Rational Empirical, Normative-Re-Educative strategies. The results of the study also offer a new understanding that the kiai element as the highest leadership, caretaker and teacher of the pesantren can be replaced by the head of the madrasa and the ranks of the pesantren teachers.