Laduni Science According to Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali’s Thoughts

This research is motivated by an assumption in the community, especially among Islamic boarding
schools, that laduni is a science that is imported directly without any prior process. It has become a
common assumption when laduni science is associated with supernatural, mystical, superstitious
things and a person’s ability to do something beyond reason or, more popularly, with the term
“yukhariq al-‘adah.” This research is devoted to the thoughts of Muhammad Lutfi Ghozali. As an
observer, expert, and practitioner of Sufism, he has a different understanding from the views of other
Muslim scientists in terms of laduni science. He considers that laduni is the science of direct giving
or knowledge inherited by the person who first got it from his heir. According to him, everyone can
get it as long as they want to build because they get it, namely grace before knowledge, the results of
taqwa, nubuwwah, or walayah, and inherited knowledge. The benefits of this research are divided
into two, namely theoretical and practical. Theoretically, this research is expected to contribute to the
development of the treasures of Sufism, especially those related to laduni science, how to obtain it
and understood by Luthfi Ghozali as the caliph of the earth. Practically, this research is helpful for
academics as a reference, material for Sufism and Islamic studies majors as a reference in curriculum
development and the field of study of concentration, as well as reflection for Sufism practitioners in
their spiritual odyssey, as well as a foothold for researchers to conduct further research. This research
is library research, which focuses on efforts to explore and conduct an in-depth study of books and
literature. The data collection methods used are documentation and interviews, while the researchers’
data analysis is content analysis. The findings of this study are: 1) Laduni science, according to
Muhammad Luthfi Ghozali, is the science of giving or inheriting directly from the heirs who first
received an inheritance from their predecessors, in the form of spontaneous inspiration that radiates
from the heart and then radiates out again in the form of behavior, both words, and deeds. Through
reason and thought. 2) Laduni science can be obtained by the building because it is obtained from
laduni knowledge, namely grace before knowledge, the fruit of piety, the process of nubuwwah or
walayah, and inherited knowledge.