Leadership of Female Madrasa Heads in Realizing a Superior Madrasa

This research was aimed to describe of type, behavior and leadership tactics of female madrasa heads in realizing the institution image as a superior madrasa which the public still in doubt. This research is qualitative which design was multi case study. The data was collected through in-depth interview, observation, and documentation method. The data then was analyzed using interactive model (display, condensation, and verification) data.  The result showed: 1) The leadership type of female madrasah heads is a combination of visionary, democratic, innovator, conservator, advocate, administrative, semi-militaristic and paternalistic; 2) Leadership behavior is related to tasks, relationships with subordinates and the level of maturity between the leader and the task, subordinates and the level of maturity of subordinates which reflects the presence of contingent reward, management by-exception-active, idealized influence/attributed, idealized influence/behaviors, inspirational motivation, intellectual stimulation , individualized considering, telling, selling, participating and delegating; 3) Leadership tactics are carried out using an approach of will, discipline, commitment, self-confidence, development of superior academic and extracurricular programs, development of social and environmental programs as well as supervision of institutions, teachers and students to excel. The research results strengthen Golleman’s visionary leadership type concept that visionary leadership is oriented towards shared dreams by achieving a determined vision, as well as strengthening Bass & Avolio’s concept of leadership behavior that leadership behavior is closely related to task dimensions, relationship patterns and subordinate maturity.