Marketing Mix Strategy in Increasing Public Interest in the Field of Education

This study aims to analyze and describe in depth 1) Product in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 2) Price in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 3) Place in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. 4) Promotion in increasing public interest in education at MTs Ma’arif NU 2 Blitar and SMP Mambaus Sholihin Blitar. This study uses a qualitative approach, a type of case study with a multi-case design. Data collection techniques using in-depth interviews, participant observation and documentation. Data analysis starts from data conditioning, data presentation, verification and drawing conclusions. Data were analyzed from single case and cross case data. The results of the study show 1) Product as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes academic competence (guaranteed passing of madrasa exams and national exams), and Islamic boarding schools competence. 2) Price as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in the field includes affordable financing, cross subsidies and scholarships. 3) Place as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes the location of madrasas within Islamic boarding schools. 4) Promotion as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education includes direct promotion from the guardians of students and students, electronic print media and social media. 5) Institutional performance as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is an institution accredited A, magnificent buildings and complete facilities, performance of financial administration services that are friendly, accountable and fast, performance of food and drink services that are timely, nutritious, healthy, varied, and sufficient, the performance of clean and sufficient MCK services, the performance of security and comfort services, teachers and supervisors are parents of students. 6) Pray as a marketing mix strategy in increasing public interest in education is istighosah, other aurotans and spiritual teachers.