Organizational Commitment in Improving the Productivity of Educators and Educational Staff at Man 2 Blitar Indonesia

The success of a madrasah head’s commitment to leading an organization results from love, loyalty, alignment with the goals and values of the madrasah, and a desire to remain in the organization. The productivity of educators and educational staff is highly dependent on the leadership of the madrasah head, who prioritizes the quality of education. This includes organizational commitment, attitude, and loyalty within the madrasah institution. MAN 2 Blitar has achieved its vision, mission, and goals.

This research focuses on how organizational loyalty enhances the productivity of educators and educational staff at MAN 2 Blitar. The research method used is qualitative. Data sources include informants, events/locations, and documents. Data is collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. Data analysis is done using Huberman’s interactive data analysis technique, with validation through discussion, data source triangulation, and method triangulation.

The results of the research show: (1) The aspects of organizational commitment involve practical commitment in developing competencies, sustainable commitment in potential development, and normative commitment in building a nationalistic character. (2) Organizational attitude commitment includes the development of values and institutional achievement goals. (3) Organizational loyalty is the result of practical, competitive leadership and quality work based on standards to achieve optimal madrasah performance.