The Causes and Effects of Divorce on Child Upbringing among Muslim Family in Yobe North Senatorial Zone, Yobe State, Nigeria

This work titled: The Causes and Effect of Divorce on Child upbringing among Muslims Family in Yobe North Senatorial Zone, Yobe State, Nigeria: is conducted with the objective of enlightening prospective couple on the needs to exercise great restrain, caution and tolerance on how this institution could be sustained and maintained for the growth and development of the Islamic Ummah; Islam, as a finally revealed guidance enjoins married couple to handle the trust bestowed on them by Allah (SWT) so that the children they got through that children begotten could become an apple of their eyes in this life and hereafter if they are properly nurture for by both the father and the mother in  discharge their responsibility accordingly.  But in a situation where such solitary union become broken, the consequences of such dissolution of marriage do affect the couple and the children’s upbringing as well.  This research work, therefore intends to study the causes and effects of Divorce on child’s upbringing in a predominantly Muslim Community in Yobe State.  it will further assess the effects of Divorces on both parties and how such dissolution do affect the child upbringing in Muslim Community.