The Influence of Job Insecurity and Job Engagement on Employee Job Performance in The Public Sector of Central Java Province During the Covid-19 Pandemic

In all sectors, the Covid-19 Pandemic has brought forth devastating effects. The epidemic was contained by the authorities when it first appeared in Indonesia in March 2020. Episodes of restrictions on community activities appear in various versions. Starting with Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB), Transitional PSBB, and Imposition of Emergency Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM), to what is still in effect today, namely the Four-Level PPKM policy. This policy impacts the implementation of activities in organizations, both government and private. Various changes that have occurred as a result of the Covid-19 Pandemic require adaptation to changes in the work system. Changes in the work system and the conditions of the Covid-19 pandemic have had an impact on various employee behaviors. Employees of the Public Sector in the province of Central Java were the subject of this study. Public sector Central Java Province is the work unit with the most employees in Indonesia, with a total of 1,379 employees out of a total of 16,230 employees throughout Indonesia. The selection of the research locus in Central Java Province was based on Indonesia’s third-highest number of COVID-19 cases. From the data obtained by filling out the questionnaires, of the 1379 target population, 342 respondents with various sample characteristics were filled in. In this study, general characteristics included include gender, age, length of work, and education. Since the resultant SEM model does not match the data, according to the data analysis findings using PLS, we cannot interpret the model in accordance with the study framework. In order to guarantee that the model fits the data, more analysis is required.