The Influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on Buying Interest in Wardah Lipstick Products (Case Study in Kebomas Sub-district, Gresik)

Purpose: Is to analyze the influence of Product Quality and Brand Image on the Purchase Intention of Wardah lipstick products in Kebomas District, Gresik.

Patients and methods: Data has been obtained from the answer of questionnaire testing on 85 respodents who were used as samples in research using techniques purposive sampling.

Results: The results of the study show that product quality has a significant pos

itive impact on consumer buying interest in Wardah Lipstick in Kebomas District, Gresik, brand /lk7image has a significant positive impact on buying interest in Wardah Lipstick products in Kebomas District, Gresik.

Conclusion: The better the Product Quality of Wardah Lipstick, the higher the Purchase Intention for Wardah Lipstick products. Similarly, the better the Brand Image of Wardah Lipstick, the higher the Purchase Intention for Wardah Lipstick products.