The Influence of Social Media on Language Trends South Jakarta Children as the Use of Language Day to Day

Social media is one of the important means, not only to communicate, but also to provide information to broaden horizons. Social media users can easily access and communicate not only with relatives or friends around but all foreign countries, which can provide knowledge about languages and cultures from various countries. The use of language is also evolving along with the development of technology and communication media. The phenomenon of the South Jakarta children’s language is a form of phenomenon created because of the strong and broad influence of social media. This trend refers to the habit of South Jakarta children who communicate using Indonesian and English in their daily lives. The inherent use of this language seems to provide an affirmation of an identity that is finally interesting to study to know the influence of social media in communication, as well as the reason why students code-mixing. This study used a quantitative descriptive research method by distributing questionnaires as a data collection technique. It was found that social media influenced the communication style of students of the Department of Communication, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) Universitas Lampung by using code mixing because of the creation of interactions that were relaxed, modern, and showed their status as students.