The Message of Science and Technology in Surah Al-Imran Verse 190 – 191

Quality education is education that considers the potential of the intellect. Education should encourage and develop the cognitive potential of human minds so that they become adept at problem-solving, possess a broad understanding of concepts in science and technology, and have critical thinking skills.Humans have the ability to utilize their senses in the process of observation, and through education, they can cultivate intelligent thinking to investigate and analyze the wonders of Allah’s creation in the universe. By harnessing the knowledge they discover, humans can apply that scientific knowledge into advanced technologies. In this context, effective and efficient education and training are of great importance for humans to fulfill their roles optimally. Such education and training should align with the guidance and requirements of Islam. The article has explored the role of reason in Islamic education, using an approach of interpretation that strives to examine the application of reason in Islamic education based on the verses in the Qur’an, particularly QS. Ali Imran: 190-191.