The Role of Job Satisfaction as a Moderating Variable on the Relationship between Organizational Climate and Organizational Commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior

With work satisfaction acting as a moderating variable, this study is helpful in determining the impact of organizational climate and organizational commitment on Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) in employees of PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik. Quantitative descriptive research is what this study is. 82 PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik personnel made up the study’s sample. Purposive sampling was utilized as the sample method in this investigation. All PT Karya Abadi Ekspres Logistik employees, excluding those in the operational division, who had never completed an OCB pre-survey made up the study’s sample. SEM-PLS (Partial Least Squares) is the data analysis approach applied in this study. The findings of this study suggest that job satisfaction, organizational commitment, organizational climate, and organizational commitment all influence organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational climate also influences organizational commitment, and organizational commitment also influences organizational citizenship behavior, with job satisfaction acting as a moderating variable.